How You Met

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Lip Gallagher: Ian set you two up. He and you had been friends for a long time and although Lip knew who you were he had never truly gotten to know you. So Ian took it upon himself to get the two of you together. He set up a big date night at the Gallagher house and invited you. When the time came to watch the movie, Ian made sure the two of you were squished up extra close. By the end of the night Lip had gotten your number and Ian was convinced he was a match making God.

Fiona Gallagher: You and Veronica had never been close, despite sharing the same dad, but when you and your boyfriend split up you found yourself moving in with her. It didn't take long for your half sister to introduce you to Fiona, who you instantly thought was beautiful. It was clear to everyone you liked her and Veronica had a field day with it.

Ian Gallagher: You were sitting outside smoking a cigaret, huddled up behind the gym where there were no cameras or people. You thought you would be alone, since you had cut class to come out, but you were proven wrong when a boy with fire red hair ran out side with tears in his eyes and blood on his lip. "What happened to you?" You asked before taking another slow drag. At first he didn't say anything he just sat below a tree a few feet away and angrily stared at the ground. "You don't have to talk, but if you want I can check that cut out for you. My moms a nurse." You tried once more, this time he nodded softly in return. You approached him slowly, the cigaret still in your mouth. You wiped the boys lip with the edges of your sleeve and inspected it. "It looks fine, not all that deep, want to tell me why they hit you in the first place?" You asked firmly. Ian reached up and took the cigaret from between your teeth before taking a long drag and letting out softly. "I'm gay." He said solemnly. You just nodded and sat down beside him, lighting up another cigaret.

Carl Gallagher: You met Carl in school, no big shocker there. The two of you never really spoke to each other but you definitely knew one another. It wasn't until Carl stood up for you during lunch that you began to talk more. His heroic actions taking you by surprise and making you're heart flutter.

Debbie Gallagher: You were Karen's younger sister. You weren't anything like your older sibling, however, you were a lot more tamed. You met Debbie when Lip and Karen started dating, the two of you hitting it off almost instantly.

Karen Jackson: You were Kevin's niece and had lived with him and Veronica for many years, becoming close friends with the Gallagher family. You met when Lip got tied up and begged you to go over and tutor the girl. You assumed it would be a normal tutor session but things went a little... South.

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