chapter three

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A/N- I know, not the best of chapters but I'm getting there :) This chapter wasn't planned so early but I decided to put it here.Short chapter.



With everything happening today

You dont know whether you’re coming or going

But you think that you’re on your way

Life lined up on the mirror dont blow it

Look at me when Im talkin to you

You looking at me but I’m lookin through you

I see the blood in your eyes

I see the love in disguise

I see the pain hidden in your pride

I see you’re not satisfied

And I dont see nobody else

I see myself I’m looking at the

Mirror on the wall, here we are again

Through my rise and fall

You’ve been my only friend

You told me that they can understand the man I am

So why are we here talking to each other again

Oh, I see the truth in your lies

I see nobody by your side

but I’m with you when you re all alone

And you correct me when I'm looking wrong

I see that guilt beneath the shame

I see your soul through your window pain

I see the scars that remain

Mirror on the wall, here we are again

Through my rise and fall

You’ve been my only friend

You told me that they can understand the man I am

So why are we here talking to each other again

Looking at me now I can see my past

Damn I look just like my dad

Light it up, that's smoking mirrors

I even look good in the broken mirror

I see the change, I see the message

and no message could been any clearer

So I’m stared with the man in the…

Mirror on the wall, here we are again

Through my rise and fall

You’ve been my only friend

You told me that they can understand the man I am

So why are we here talking to each other again?

Mirror by Bruno Mars and Lil Wayne

Mail glared at Robyn.

“Can't you ever be polite, when I ask your friends over?” He asked, in a resentful tone. He sighed, dancing delicate fingers over the polished wooden table.

“Why did you even ask her over?” She retorted. Her turquoise burned with fury, as if from Hell itself. She even had a growl of frustration in her, generally, sweet voice.

“Because I needed to show Ari something. Something important.” He explained. My ears pricked up at this.

“What is it, then?” A smirk creeped up her pale face, making it appear somewhat sinister.

“It's not imaginary! It's Ari- well it's not Ari but it is Ari!”

Robyn sent a confused glance at me and then to Mail. His golden hair was shaking franticly, as if the hair band was going to snap at any minuet and fly fabulously in a still breeze. I felt myself wonder that if I touched it, it would be as smooth as silk. I smiled, just thinking about it.

“-I'll just show you.” Mail added but the words held venom. Poison. Death. All directed at Robyn.

“Fine.” The corners of her mouth tilted upwards into a diabolical smirk. She winked at Mail playfully.

We headed up the crimson stairs with dark chocolate coloured banisters. Mail opened the bathroom door, as if it had turned into a snake.

Robyn screamed.

The sight- it was horrible. Blood like paint decorated the snow walls, staining the marble, gleaming bath and every object in the room. That is, except, the mirror. The mirror was reflecting everything insight but it was not stained- as if it had been especially cleaned. No wonder Mail was wary. Just a glimpse of the blood-stained room made Robyn scream.

“W-who did t-this?” The radiant blonde stuttered, clinging to her brother's arm in a lost child's way. Her eyes bulged from terror and her face ashen.

“I saw her...She was there- in the God-damned mirror. Tormenting me. It was...” He never did finish his sentence because at that moment, a voice penetrated the deathly quiet house.


It was her.

Ari? Aren't you going to come out?” She laughed, her voice like bells- bells of unhappiness and rising doom. Death.

I felt as if I was mentally shrinking. I wanted to hide. I wanted to hide, so bad. But I couldn't. No! I couldn't because...

Robyn and Mail.

I felt a lightning bolt skewer through my body and poison my veins. We needed to get out. “Robyn, Mail- we need to get out!” I cried, as footsteps started to pound on the staircase. There was only one way to go. I eyed the window.


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