You Are My Sunshine

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It was a beautiful day; the sun was warm on your face. Your hair was swaying in the gentle breeze and you couldn't imagine anywhere else you'd want to be. You and your boyfriend, Andy, were on a picnic by the lake to celebrate your five year anniversary. He made the sandwiches because he had always been the better cook, but you mixed the perfect amount of lemonade powder into the pitcher of cold water. The best part of the day though, was when you started discussing the power of laser cats.

"I really think that cats in general are hiding something from us, dear," You said.

"But really, do you think cats would take over the world if they could? Because I do. Therefore, if laser cats were actually powerful, we wouldn't even be able to discuss this because humanity would have been wiped out," He responded.

"Or, they could be letting us take care of them while they plan!"

"They wouldn't give a toss whether they were cared for or not if they are powerful entities!"

"If I were a cat, I would care,"

"I'm glad you're not a cat, or I wouldn't be able to date you." He grinned, and as he started to lean in, you stopped him by clinking your glass of lemonade against his. Except, because you're clumsy, the lemonade sloshed over the edge of the glass right onto Andy's lap. Whoopsies.

"What a clumsy pickle I am! Sorry Andy, did we bring towels?"

"Somehow, I foresaw that something akin to this would happen, so yes, we did bring towels." He pulled the picnic basket towards him, and pulled out a fluffy grey towel. And something else. A little navy blue box fell out of the folded towel, and Andy's face immediately went beet red. Like actual beets. It was kind of weird. "I don't know what that is, but I'll take it for later..."

"Okay..." That was kind of weird too, but you didn't think much of it. Every so often weird stuff would happen, and sometimes all you can do is shake it off. Besides, you had more important things to think about. You wanted to propose tonight. Andy didn't seem inclined to do it anytime soon, and besides, you wanted your proposal to be perfect. A warm candlelit night, delicious food, and totally tubular conversation would be ideal. That's why you had gotten so nervous when things got romantic too soon.

"(Y/N), Earth to (Y/N)." Andy waved his hand in front of your face, and you snapped back into focus.

You had been having the best anniversary. There hadn't been a lull in the conversation, and there had even been a few PG-rated moments. As in making out. Good thing the lake shore was so secluded. When the stars came out Andy lit the candles. It was perfect, except for one thing. You still weren't engaged, and you had come up with the perfect way to get back to the car and grab the ring.

"I gotta pee," You stated, and got up from the mat. So subtle and elegant, you might as well have been the Black Widow. As you walked back to the car, you recited the speech you had written for the proposal. You grabbed the ring, and made your way back to the picnic site. But when you saw what was there, you were astonished. Andy was on one knee in the middle of the blanket, and in his hand he was holding the box that had fallen out of the towel earlier. Seriously? He was proposing now, right before you planned to.

"(Y/N), I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life watching the Corpse Bride with you, and taking care of your gecko. I love taking you up to bed after movie night because you always fall asleep. I love when you get angry at me because I never turn the TV off. I love you, and will you please marry me?" His voice shook a bit and you could tell that he was nervous.

"Sure, but did you really have to propose now?"

"Okay, firstly thanks, and get over here so I can put the ring on. Secondly, what the hell are you talking about?" He asked, as you walked over to him. You took a deep breath and began

"Valentine's Day last year was the first day I thought it was about time you propose. Then came our four year anniversary, which would have been good too. I knew that you knew that I wouldn't want a proposal on a random day, and I realized I would have to wait for a while longer. After Valentine's Day this year, I went out and bought myself a ring because I thought you might never get around to it. I decided that I would propose to you today. But noooo, you just had to wait until I was going to do it."

"I didn't know if you were ready, and I figured five years was a good amount of time. Considering we moved in together three years ago, I wanted to make sure you loved me. I could have proposed to you on our first date. Remember how I wanted to take you out for ice cream because it was the middle of summer, and you wanted to go skating in the indoor rink? I thought you were crazy, but I went along with it. You had good taste. That was the best date I had ever been on, and when I dropped you off at your house that night and you didn't let me have good night kiss because you were a "fucking lady". I went back to my apartment and I thought I might be in love with you."

And that was when things got R-rated.


A/N:  Bad title, bad ending, but whatever.  In other news I am never giving myself a deadline again because I am destined to not meet them.  Please give me feedback, I can't get better without your help. :)  

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