Chapter 6

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God. Stiles did not want to be here.

Hell has a new name and it's Beacon Hills High. So far Stiles has forgotten his chem homework, for sure failed a stats quiz, and he he couldn't find his red hoodie this morning so he had to wear the purple one instead. He almost didn't come, if it wasn't for sour wolf.

"Stiles, aren't you going to turn off your alarm?" Derek asked as he hid his face in the teenagers neck.

"Do I have to go to school?" Stiles complained in his morning voice.



"Because I said so."

"That's not a good enough reason."

"Can you stop talking, it's 6:30 in the morning."

"If you give me a better reason."

Derek sighed, he knew he wasn't going to get anymore sleep this morning. "You need to go to school so you can get good grades so you can go to a good college to get a good job." Derek explained, still not having opened his eyes yet.

"Derek, you didn't go to college and you don't have a job."

"I thought we've already established I'm a bad example. And I do have a job, I watch over you."

Sure Derek is a sour wolf, but in the morning he's an extra sour wolf, like a war head.

It's true though, Derek didn't go to college and he doesn't have a job. He feels guilty about the fact that he gets all his money from insurance when his family died. He has enough money to live comfortably, and for his kids, and his kids kids, and for his kids kids kids. Although, that doesn't mean he wouldn't trade all the money if it meant he'd get his family back.

Speaking of family, Cora is supposed to arrive today. Derek hasn't seen her for months; she's been staying in South America, she's settled down there. She's a year younger than Derek's pack, meaning she's a junior while they're all seniors.

While Derek was waiting in his loft, he smelt her before he saw her. Even just her scent brought a smile to Derek's face.

"Oh big brother?" She called while walking out of the lift. Derek isn't usually one to give bear hugs, but his sister was an exception.

"How was the flight?" Derek asked after he let go of his sister, letting her breath.

"Awful. Too many smells and sounds in such a tiny place."

"You cut your hair." Derek noticed picking up a lock of his sisters brown hair, which in color was closed to Stiles' than it was Derek's.

"I wanted to change it up a bit. So where's your boyfriend? I smell him all over you." Cora teased, going straight back to the role of the annoying sister. Derek rolled his eyes, he found it annoying when people called Stiles his boyfriend, if was only ok if Stiles said it. Then it was cute.

"He's at school, which you should be too." Derek scolded, knowing Cora doesn't really apply herself academically.

"I go to school... sometimes." She admitted.

"How about while you're in Beacon Hills, you go to school."

"You want me to go to school? With your pack?" She asked astonished.

"I want you to be successful." Derek explained, "I want you to go out and do something with your life."

Cora snorted. "Yeah like you do something with your life." Derek flashed his red eyes at her and growled, putting her into her place.

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