The Story So Far...

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300 years after humanity left Earth, they began to colonize new worlds that they terraformed. The Galactic Defence Federation was created to uphold the new government that ruled over the galaxy. But a band of rebels who wanted to embrace Wild Space for what it was formed the Resistance, and a war began between the two factions. But, archeologists uncovered a mysterious artifact that was built by the Markers, an ancient race of beings that existed long before humanity did, and the artifact known as the Tablet detailed the existence of eight different artifacts known as Dorado Pieces spread across the galaxy, that, when collected and brought back to the homeworld of the Markers, would unlock an ancient power that could either make the user the most powerful being in the universe, or the richest person in existence. The search for the Pieces began, and the legends spread, but no trace of them was ever found...until now.

A young archeologist managed to find the first of the Pieces, but he was then taken captive by the most feared pirate in the galaxy. After a chase through a city, they manage to escape the planet along with two con artists, by stealing a ship piloted by two former GDF soldiers on the run from the past. They all decide to work together to find the remaining Pieces, and recover the legendary treasure. However, an evil GDF director vowed to track them down, using his superweapon, who is revered as the best soldier in the galaxy. After a battle on a mining planet, they recover the second Piece, but are found by the Resistance. The crew discovers that the GDF has the third Piece, and vows to keep it for themselves so it can't fall into the wrong hands. They sneak aboard the ship and confront the Director when they try to escape. After a fierce battle, they make it out with the Piece, but at the loss of one of their crew members. However, after learning that she may still be alive, they pursue her, hoping that they are not too late. And now, they have found her...and this is where our story begins...

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