Editor's Note

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Y'know, it's funny the things you think about before and after finishing a story. When you start, you're like: "Oh god am I gonna be able to finish this? Are people gonna like it? Will people judge me for it? Will I be able to finish it?" But, when you do finish it, you're like: "That was awesome! I want to write more!" or, "Oh god that was horrible! Why did I publish that! END MY SUFFERING" As a writer, those thoughts go through my head often. But, with this series of books, I think those a lot less. I don't really think about how successful my books are going to be, I just think about completing the story and putting my thoughts and ideas down on paper for once in my life. Which is probably why I was so surprised to find how popular they got. At the time of this writing, both Slingers and Outlaws have cracked the top 50 in Science Fiction, and Slingers has reached over a thousand likes. Not in several trillion years could I have predicted you guys would like this. So, as for the success of these books, you guys should be giving yourselves pats on the back, not just me. I wouldn't be where I am without you guys. So thank you. And don't fret, Slingers 3 is coming down the pipeline. We'll finally be able to see the thrilling conclusion of what happens to all of our favorite characters. But as we go into the last book, something is different. I'm no longer writing just for myself. I'm also writing for all of you. So, until next time, see you in the stars!


Important Update!
The third book is out right now guys! If you wanna read it, go check it out! Hope you like it!


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