Chapter 14

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As soon as the first shot rang out, Koil immediately dove for cover, rolling behind the table that was directly next to the Broker, and pulled him under as well. Even if he didn't like the guy, he had information, so he couldn't just let him die. He cocked his assault rifle and felt the shots fly over his head. He grit his teeth and looked across the room. From his cover, he could spot Edvard and Elicia both ducked down behind one of the large round chairs, Edvard shooting blindly back with his shotgun, Elicia clutching her pistol at the ready. Bunker was directly behind them, getting his chaingun set up. To his left, next to the cowering Broker, his men were shooting their pistols back at the three red-armoured shooters which had entered the hall. Koil managed to snag a look over the table and took a closer look at the three of them. They had spiky and patchwork-looking armour on, and appeared to be shooting rifles that looked like they belonged more in a scrapyard rather than in the hands of a mercenary. But they seemed to be highly effective nonetheless, as they were effectively cutting down the Broker's men, or at least the ones who were stupid enough to break cover to try to get a clear shot. As Koil motioned over to the twins, he saw that the both of them had shocked expressions on their faces. Attributing it to the shock of the situation, he managed to get their attention and motioned towards the exit back through the rest of the club. The shooters had come in through a back entrance, so the only way back out was through there. The twins nodded, and Koil quickly popped in and out of his cover to provide covering fire with his rifle.

Edvard gripped the handle of his shotgun and quickly ran out from behind the large chair, shooting a spread of shells at the Buzzards, the pump on his weapon flying back and forth wildly with each shot. Elica followed after him shortly, popping off a few shots with her pistol, and the two of them finally made it over to the entrance back into the club. They saw Koil fire off a few shots from his rifle, reload, then grab the Broker by the scruff of his robe and drag him across the open area. Elicia covered him by firing back at the Buzzards, who were now concentrating their fire by the door. She stared down the face of the leader, and recognized the face behind the facemask that the Buzzards used. It covered up their mouths, but those eyes were unmistakable. One forest green, the other mahogany brown. It was Vos. She should have known that Rafe would have chosen him to be the leader for the group that went after them. Now she had put the entire crew in danger by being here. They should have just stayed back on Rykkak. She ducked back behind cover to reload her pistol, then clenched her fist. No. She was tired of running from Rafe. She and her brother had friends now, and they didn't need to steal. If Rafe was still going to chase them, she might as well take the fight to him. She shot back furiously, emptying the clip at the Buzzards, making them fall back. Edvard looked at her in surprise. Elicia saw him and breathed out. "Sorry. Just resolving some issues." She looked out and tried to find Bunker. He made himself known immediately as he suddenly kicked over the place where he had been hiding and began to blast the spot where the Buzzards were standing with chaingun fire. The hailstorm of bullets made the Buzzards draw back, and out the door, giving the crew the chance they needed. Bunker looked over at them and began to run over. "Go, go!"

Koil exited through the entrance to the private room onto the dance floor, and was immediately greeted with booming music and throngs of people dancing to the rhythm. He held the Broker in one hand, and pushed the other people aside, trying to make his way through the crowd. Bunker and the twins followed close behind. He saw the exit to the bar close ahead, and was just heading up the steps when he heard gunfire behind him. One of the men in red armour had entered the dance floor and shot his gun up at Koil. He had missed, but had also hit one of the bystanders. This, combined with the gunshot which was loud even over the music, caused everyone in the room to panic and scatter, running for the nearest exit or getting behind cover. Because of this, the men now had a clear shot, and Koil tossed the Broker behind a small barrier, then stared down the scope of his assault rifle. He stood on the steps, and relaxed his breathing. He fired off three shots, one for each of them. One hit the main shooter in the chest, the other in the leg, and the other in his helmet. All three of them hit the floor, and Koil motioned for the rest of the crew to go. Then, as he was heading for the door, he saw that Elicia was shouting something at him. He couldn't hear it over the music, but he was able to pick up pieces. "Wha...ut...mour...eals..." Koil had no idea until he looked back at the bodies on the dance floor, and then he understood. The places on their armour where Koil had shot them seemed to be healing back up. They soon looked like they hadn't even sustained any damage. Then, before they could draw their pistols and fire back, Edvard stepped out from cover and fired his shotgun up at the lights hanging from the ceiling, which sent the entire collection of bars and wires crashing down on top of the three shooters. Koil nodded at Edvard, then grabbed the Broker and rushed out through the door. They were finally out on the streets, and Koil was out of breath. "What...the hell...was that?" Elicia looked serious and looked back into the club with a deadly glare. "They're called Buzzards. Let's just say...they're old friends." Koil looked at Elicia suspiciously, then reloaded his rifle. "We'll talk about this later." Bunker looked down the street and motioned to them. "We probably should...because they brought backup." Koil saw more men in red armour running down the street, guns drawn. Koil breathed out a tired and annoyed sigh as he handed the Broker back to Bunker and began to lead the crew down the crowded district.

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