Chapter 29

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The convoy of vehicles rolled down through the gleaming city, looking like a vein of black poison moving through a shining skeleton. Nolun never knew that there was this much chrome and decorative architecture in the entire galaxy. He could see how this would be paradise for several people, but a deadly prison for others. After weighing his options, Nolun firmly decided he was in the second class. As he looked across at his fellow comrades, he saw the looks of defeat and dejection on their faces, and he couldn't help but feel the same. He had to face it. Gottlieb had won. He leaned back against the cell wall, and stared at Andress, who was sitting and looking blankly off into space. Andress...I'm sorry...I failed you. Nolun saw the convoy turning into a large curved building that seemed to arc and stretch up into the sky. He assumed that this was where the Council of the GDF was located. This was where Gottlieb and the GDF would achieve their victory. The convoy turned and dropped down slightly as a ramp took them down into a secret tunnel beneath the building. The glass suddenly shifted from clear to pitch-black, presumably so that they couldn't see anything in order to get out, while also plunging Nolun and the others into total darkness. As Nolun gritted his fists, he prepared for whatever might come next. Then, the truck began to slow and finally stop. The compartments opened unexpectedly, and Nolun saw GDF soldiers standing outside with guns aimed directly at him. He raised his cuffed hands as best he could, and stepped out of the compartment. He looked around him and saw they were doing the same to the others. They grabbed them and shoved them onto a small transport, which moved down a long tunnel. Wherever they were going, it was right in the middle of everything.As they finally emerged from the tunnel, Nolun saw they were in a huge concourse, which presumably was in the middle of the building, and he saw several other transports carrying everything from supplies, troopers, and other prisoners. GDF soldiers were walking on every level. They were literally in the lion's den. 

The transport driver took a sharp turn, and moved them down to another ramp which took them to an even lower level. Then, more soldiers came forwards and grabbed them, forcing them into small cylinders, which closed immediately, locking them all in. Nolun could barely see, but he began to feel himself rising upwards. It reached the top, and then Nolun could see perfectly. The High Monarch and Gottlieb were standing in front of several monitors, each with a man or woman who was staring down at them with an evil glare. Nolun assumed this was the GDF Council. The High Monarch stepped forward, and she stared at the seven of them. "We've been chasing after you for quite some time now. But it appears your luck has run out. By the order of the Council of the Galactic Defence Federation, you are guilty of theft, treason, conspiracy, and several other severe war crimes. Each one is punishable by death." She said this last word with intensity, and Nolun could see Gottlieb's smile grow bigger. She continued. "However, we have one last question we will ask of you. You were able to find the other Dorado Pieces without previous knowledge of them. We want to know how this is possible. Tell us." She looked at them, then Nolun spoke up. "Why should we? You'll just kill us either way." The High Monarch stared at Nolun, her piercing eyes glaring at him. "One of you knows. Tell us, or we'll pick one of you...then make you watch as we kill the rest." After a few moments of silence, Edvard spoke up from his chamber. "Alright. I know. I'll tell you." Everyone was looking at him, confused, and Elicia shouted. "No! Edvard, don't, please!" The High Monarch motioned, and Edvard's pod opened, and two guards dragged him forward. "Well?" She said, staring down at him on his knees. Edvard stared back up. "There was a small scroll. We found it with the first Piece. It tells the location of every Piece." Nolun was confused. Why was Edvard lying? "And where is this scroll?" Edvard sighed. "On the ship." The High Monarch looked at him, then nodded. "Thank you." She pulled out a pistol from her hip, and shot Edvard twice in the head, making him fall backwards, dead. As the guards rolled them away, Nolun could barely think, but he remembered hearing a noise piercing through his mind. He faintly recognized it as Elicia screaming.

After the now six pods were split up and taken to the separate execution chambers, Nolun's arrived, and opened up, making him fall out. He barely noticed, as all he could see was the the gun appearing in the Monarch's hand, the two shots going off, and Edvard falling backwards, like someone had pulled the plug. Elicia...she had lost her brother...and now they were all going to die. As Nolun stood up, he saw someone familiar walk into the room. Gottlieb appeared to fill the entrance to the small room, a crooked grin on his face, staring down at Nolun. As he saw his face, rage filled his body, and Nolun stood up to punch Gottlieb, but the guards moved first, hitting him with the butt of their guns, and pointing the barrels at him. Nolun felt his nose begin to bleed, and Gottlieb let out a small laugh. "So eager to die, are we?" Nolun breathed heavily and spat some blood at Gottlieb's feet. Gottlieb disregarded this, and moved his cape aside. "Unfortunately for you, Mr. Metreo, they won't be doing the shooting." He unholstered his pistol and aimed it straight at Nolun. He laughed again, a little louder this time. "Doesn't this bring back memories Nolun? Back on the Avalon? Only this time you don't have your pathetic pistol to save you this time. Oh, that reminds me. Speaking of memories..." He snapped his fingers, and then Andress appeared at his side, staring blankly ahead at Nolun. "I thought she could join the fesitivities, and see her dearest friend die before she does. If only she wasn't brainwashed so I could hear her screams of agony...but beggars can't be choosers." He cocked the hammer back, and smiled toothily. "Goodbye Nolun. Unlike you, I won't miss." Nolun felt like he was staring at his own tombstone, then clenched his fists, closing his eyes and waiting for the end. "Andress...I'm sorry." Then, something happened. Something that no one in the room expected. Andress spoke. "Don't apologize yet, Treasure Boy." Gottlieb spun around, just as his finger was about to pull the trigger. "WH-" Before he even got the next syllable out of his mouth, Andress had already hit the guard's helmet, shattering his visor, and pistoned out her leg at the other guard, knocking the wind out of him. She then picked up a rifle and aimed it at Gottlieb. He raised his arms, and saw very clearly that Andress's eyes had gone back to their icy blue colour, and filled with anger. "!" Gottlieb shouted, almost whining. Andress spoke with the fury of a thousand burning stars. "You can do whatever the hell you want to me. Torture me, control me...but I swear to God, as long as I am still breathing, you will not lay a finger on him." With that, she knocked out Gottlieb with the butt of the gun, and stared down at him. "I'm no killer. The same can't be said for you." She then looked up at Nolun, who stared back at her with wary, but hopeful eyes. "Is" Andress nodded, tears brimming in her eyes, and she rushed forwards and hugged Nolun as tight as she could, and Nolun returned it with equal force. "I'm sorry...he had control of me...I couldn't stop myself..." Nolun looked at Andress, staring straight into her eyes, then took her hand in his, interlacing their fingers. "I know." Andress stared at him, then let him go tentatively. Nolun walked over and grabbed a rifle and Gottlieb's pistol, cocking them both. "For Edvard." The two of them nodded, and then set off to find their friends.

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