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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Sunny... Happy birthday to you!" The woman laughs happily, setting down the cake on the table in front of the toddler. "Happy birthday, sunshine! I love you to the moon and back!" She kisses the cheek of her child.

"Chocolate," The kid just says, clapping her hands together. "Chocolate, mommy!"

"Yeah, Sunny, it's chocolate," The mom giggles. "Blow the candle!"

She attempts to, but the flame just flickers slightly before returning to its upright position. She pouts cutely, blinking up to her mom with her big brown eyes. "Help, mommy."

"Okay," The mom leans into the cake. "Let's do it together. One... two... three!"

They blow together, and the flame extinguishes into smoke. The kid cheers. "Chocolate!"

"Come on, daddy, let's cut the cake," The mom looks over to the camera.

"Okay," A man says from behind the camera. "Happy birthday, Sunny."

"Happy birthday, daddy," The kid replies solemnly and plunges a finger into the cake.

"Sunny!" The mother exclaims through a hearty laugh. "Oh, you goofball!"

The girl beams at the camera.

The clip cuts off.

I smile fondly and trace my finger over where the mother stands, hand on her stomach, head thrown back as she is seen letting out a laugh at her daughter, eyes filled with joy and happiness.

"We're here, miss." The driver turns his head to me. I pluck out my earphones and reach into my bag. I only have 10 dollar bills so I offer him one as tip. Why not. I'm feeling pretty generous. It is my birthday, after all.

"Here," I say to the driver. "Thank you."

"Have a good night, miss," He calls out, happily pocketing his tip and zooms off after I shut the door.

I turn around and stare at the bright, fancy lettering, illuminated with neon lights. The Golden Fish. One of the most exclusive restaurants around the area. Getting the reservation required me to call in 2 months early, and the food isn't cheap, but it's worth it.

Mom loved this restaurant.

I walk up the steps to the maître d, who gives me a practiced smile. "Hello, welcome to The Golden Fish. Reservation?"

"Yes," I smile politely. "Under Ms Lee."

He scans through his list. "Ah. There. Come with me."

He leads me to the end of the restaurant, which is filled with the sound of wine glasses and light chattering. I sit down on the chair he pulls out. "Waiting for someone?" He asks.

He looks expectant. I smile and shake my head. "No. Just me tonight."

He nods, but I catch a curious look on his face. It's understandable. I'm all dressed up, in a nice dress, with makeup to draw attention and heels to tall and sharp it's dangerous. I'm not exactly... alone, though. Not really.

"You'll never be alone, my sunshine. I promise..."

I straighten my back and smile at the empty spot across of me.

"So, mom. I turn 18 tonight..."


I'm chomping heartily through my steak when I see him.

I nearly spit out the tasty, juicy meat, but I don't. Instead, I choke on it. I beat on my chest and reach out for my glass of water quickly. Crap. Did he see me?

Sunshine and Dynamite | Wattys 2017Where stories live. Discover now