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"How was your mom like?" Dylan asked quietly as we sit on the front porch together, sunlight beating down on us as the wind caresses our faces.

"She was smart," I begin. "She was beautiful. She was ambitious. She was, is, the most selfless person I've ever met. She was passionate. About everything that she did. From decorating the house to bringing up her child." I trail a hand over the balustrade. The white coat of paint is stripping. "She loved art. She would sit right here with a cup of tea and paint or sketch. And sometimes she would sit me out here, and we'd draw each other."

"She sounds like an amazing woman," Dylan took my hand and rubbed the back of it. I smiled gratefully at him.

"She was," I whispered.

"I think you'll be like that one day. A really good mom."

I look at Dylan, taking in every inch of his face, soaking it in. His hair is the colour of wet sand. Golden, dusted with strokes of brown. His eyes are deep, blue, glittering oceans, and the afternoon sunlight is reflected in them in a way that makes me feel... something in some strange way. He looks like an angel, or like something that exists in dreams or movies. He's...

"You're really beautiful, you know?"

It's funny, because he's the one to say it.

Before I can deny it, he continues. "John is a fucking idiot if he doesn't see how beautiful you are."

I tilt my head. "I thought you were on Kate's side." I give a playful smile, trying to downplay the fact that what he just said was creating a traitorous palpitations in my heart.

"Well. That was before I got to know you."

"So you think you do now? Know me?" I ask.

"I see you," He just says, kind of innocently, like it explains everything. "I'm not seeing all of it, but... the part that I do see makes me want to see more. To understand you more."

I breathe, and it feels like his eyes are all-knowing as they stare into mine so intensely and fully. "Thank you," I can't help but choke out. "For... seeing me."

A breeze blows over us, and a strand of hair falls out from behind my ear. There's an eternity long moment where we just look at each other.

He leans over, gently, and pushes it back behind my ear. When he does, he whispers. "Thank you for letting me."


We bask in quiet silence before I speak again. "Since I told you something about myself, tell me something about you?"

Dylan leans back and thinks about it. "Okay." He turns his head. "What do you want to know?"

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

He lets out a full laugh. "Wow. I have not heard that question since, like, middle school." He pauses when I chuckle. "Jokes. Last time I was asked was by the school advisor." He leans back. "I think I'm already 'up', Sun."

"Well, what do you want to be when you grow even upper? Or, okay. What do you want?"

"That's a broad question, you know." Dylan arches an eyebrow.

"Then give a broad answer." I deadpan, smiling.

"Okay," Dylan scratches his chin. "Okay. I don't think you would've guessed, but ever since a kid... I wanted to name stars." He laughs, embarrassed.

"Really? I thought naming vegetables will be more of your speed." I crack.

"Hey, shut up. I wanted a Labrador named Nebula. I want to build my house, my home. And this is going to get me so much shit, but I want a greenhouse." We both laugh. "And I'm going to grow okras, bitter gourds and jicamas. " I'm cracking up over this as he continues, with a small, gentle smile on his face.

Sunshine and Dynamite | Wattys 2017Where stories live. Discover now