What's up with the Cullen's?

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I woke up by the nice sound ( note sarcasm) of my alarm. I walked out of my room and to the bathroom... and it was occupied by Bells. I waited... and waited etc.....

I looked at the clock ; it´s been 5 minutes. Bella is taking FOREVER!

"BELLA!!! HURRY UP YOUR TAKING FOREVER!I NEED TO PEE!!" (We only have one bathroom in this house and it sucks because i am TEN times slower to get redy than Bella, just saying).

Two minutes later Bella comes out, FINALLY! I walk in and do my "stuff" and then do my make up; mascara and lip gloss ( i´m going light today). Then i do my hair in a simple ponytail.

I walk in to my room and walk to the closet, i chose dark blue demin jeans and a blue shirt that has a bee on it, the bees eyes are on my boobs; guys are always staring at then and claims they are looking at the bee, yeah right! ( I´m a C -cup just so you know, and i´m proud!)

Anyway enough about my boobs, when i was done dressing i walked down to the kitchen. Bella was already there eating a sandwich. I grabbed a bowl with serials.

"Were´s dad?" Í asked  Bells.

"Work" she said.

Should have known, I have lived with him for 16 years and have seen him in the morning 5 times max.

I started eating on my serials and soon it was time for school. We grabbed our jackets and went to Bells new car, a orange trunk. ( Trunk aren´t my favorite cars, but Bells got one and I'm jealous, I don't have a car! But I´ll get over the jealousy.)

We drove for about ten minutes before we arrived. When we had parked the car we walked in to the main office and graded our timetables and locker combination. My classes today was:

1. Math, room 6

2. Music, room 3

3. Art/ Design room 7


4.biology room 4

5. P.H building 2

I had Math, biology and P.H with Bella.

At math nothing special happened, nor with music exept i now know i can´t sing, apparently i´m tone deaf.

I walked in to Art/ Design and walked up to the teacher, Ms. Walker, and said who I was and then she told me to sit by "Ms.Cullen". I sat next to "Ms. Cullen" who had short spiky brown hair, had brown eyes and she was pale. Paler than Bella, and that tells you something.

"Hello, my name is Alice, are you Isabella or Lily Swan?" the girl, apparently Alice, said.

"Hello, I´m Lily, nice to meet you". I didn't bother to ask how she knew our names because apparently EVERYONE knew who we where, the Chief of Police daughters. Alice reminded me of something, but i could not put my finger on it. In class we talked about how to draw clothes, and how to measure correctly.

I walked alone to the cafeteria and looked for Bells. I found her at a table with the b#tch we met at math, Jessica. I did not like her. At the table there was also Angela, Mike,Erik, Tyler and Lauren. T really liked Angela, she ´was sweet, i also liked Erik, Mike was okay, but Lauren, not so much she was WORSE than Jessica.

After a while I hear Bella say " who are they?"

I look up and see four beautiful people come in, Alice included. I hear Jessica say:

"Those are the Cullen's, the tall blond one is Rosalie, the big dark haired guy is Emmett, the little one is Alice and the guy who looks like he´s in pain is Jasper. They ceep to etch other cuz their all like together together, its strange"

"Ya, but its not like their related, thair all adopted by Dr. Cullen and his wife. I wonder if he can adopt me?" Angela said.

Then I see Bella starring at some one, a hot guy with bronze hair and topaz eyes. The weird part is, when i thought hot guy, it looked like he smiled, WTF?!

"..Edward Cullen, hes the only one who isn´t dating some one, and it isn't like anyone here is good enough, you know, its not like i care". Jessica said, and again Edward smiled like he had heard her.

During lunch Edward keep staring at Bella, like she was something to eat.

After dinner it was time for biology ,BORING.

We walked in to room 4 and walk up to the teacher, while Bella was talking to the teacher, i looked around in the room, and I noticed that there was only left two seats left, one next to Mike and ont to Mr. hot-stuff ( note sarcasm) a.k.a Edward Cullen. Of course I get to sir next to Mike (Who btw has the hots for me and Bella) while Bella gets to sit next to Edward. And i was kinda glad i didn´t have to sit next to Edward because he acted like my sister smelled really bad, I could see how Bella was sniffing her hair to see if it smelled bad. But I was also a little sad because Mike kept talking to me and I was starting to get a headache from al the talking, he would not shut up!

When the bell rung Edward ran out like there was no tomorrow.

Mike walked us to P.E and talked the hole way!!

We had basketball today, and I´m quite good at sports so it went well for me, but por Bella tripped multiple times and dragged people with her, me twice.

After P.E we walked to the car and drove home. Charlie wasn´t home yet so me and Bella cooked dinner for him, and us.

When I asked her what was up with Edward at biology she looked sad, like he had hurt her. So I told her :

"If he does hurt you again, tell me and I will kill him/ beat him to near death" I had to say " Joking" to Bella, cuz she actually believed me, and that made me happy, she thinks I can beat a boy ;).

That night my last thoughts where thing like " Why did it seem like Edward wanted to kill Bells?" and stuff like that.

Whats up with the Cullen's? I´m gonna find out!


Second chapter in a day! Yahoo! This chapter is dedicated to kitkatcat who wanted me to continue this story.


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