A mothers confessions and La Push

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It´s currently 7.30 in the morning on a Tuesday and I´m in the kitchen eating. My mind was on that woman who I have been dreaming about. I had a dream about her again last night.


I was standing in a clearing, the sun was nowhere in sight and no animals around for miles. I could hear EVERYTHING. Things that no human could ever hear.

I heard someone behind me so I turned around. There, a few meters away, stood the woman who claims to be my mother.

"Hello, again, Lily" the woman spoke.

"Hey, that´s not fair. You know my name but I don´t know you name." I said, abit surpriced, where did all that courage come from? I have to be honest, she did look quite scary cuz she was really pale and had red eyes.

"Yes... I guess you right. My name is Abigail Lily Cane, and you are Lily Cara Cane. My daughter."

"Prove it, if you really are my mother prove it. Why did you give me away? Who is my father?"

"Lily, I gave you away because I had some... bad people after me and I gave you away to protect you. But now I am safe from them and I want you back, no matter what."

After she said that she turned around and started to walk away.

"Wait! What about my father?"

She stopped walking and turned around.

"Your father... I loved him, but he was married at the time, they had just taken a break. We dated a while, but then he went back to his wife. Then I found out I was pregnant. So, your father doesn´t know you exist."

"What´s his name?"

"Carlisle" (A/N note that Lily don´t know Dr. Cullen's first name so she doesn´t know they are the same person).


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