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A/N oh my god I'm finally back right. I just wasn't in the mood for writing. Check out my new ish book it's called The Devil's Wish. It is based on V of bts but it isn't a fanfic. Shameless self promo.

I walked up to my mums doorstep and knocked. The whole drive I was thinking of an excuse since she didn't know about my living situation, but I finally decided I'd just say I missed her. It was the truth and not very dramatic unlike a gas leak or something.

"Who is it??" My mother asked through the door.

"Your amazing child." I told her. She opened the door and gave me a big hug.

"Oh I thought you had forgotten about me I haven't seen you." She smiled.

"I'm fine but I missed you so....can I stay here for a few days??" I asked pouting.

"Yes yes of course come in the kitchen I'll make you food." She pulled me into the kitchen and began rushing around to make me some food.

"I'm gonna just put my stuff in my room I'll be back." I said standing up and moving my bags to my old room. I walked up stairs and into the now unfamiliar room. It looked unusual because the sheets on the bed were different and there wasn't posters plastered all over the walls. I quietly sighed and laid on the bed. I wondered what Taekwoon was doing. Obviously not thinking about me like I was about him. I laid there for a while longer and then finally decided to get up and go downstairs.

"I was just coming to get you," My mother said as I entered the kitchen." Sit down and eat."

"Where's dad?" I asked as I sat down. I didn't actually care but its a conversation starter.

"I don't even know half the time anymore." She sighed and then continued to eat her food.

"It isn't very important though he's an asshole." I scoffed and she hit my hand for bad mouthing. We continued to talk and eat for a while before I decide to go for a shower and head to bed. That night I fell asleep thinking about if Leo was doing okay and wondering if he was thinking about me.

***the next morning at school**

"Hey!" The boys yelled out as I walked near the table. I waved at them before someone pulled me into a classroom.

"What the f**k?!?" I yelled. I turned around and saw my friend Jiyeong

"I'm sorry for scaring you but we need to talk." She sighed while looking at her feet.

"What's up Jiyeong?" I asked her concerned.

"Uhm well... You can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you okay? You can't even say it to a tree no one can know. Promise?" She blurted out and then stuck her pinky out to make a promise.

"I promise. What's going on?" I replied linking my pinky with hers.

"Okay so you know how yo sit with those boys over there." She said pointing at them through a window.


"Well I have a crush on Hakyeon and I just want you to find out if he likes me but don't tell him I like him okay.. Promise?" She told me at a very fast pace.

"Uh yeah okay I will find out I won't tell a soul." I was very confused. Why doesn't she just sit with us, then she would know because of body language.

"Okay thank you thank you I love you bye." She said hugging me and then running off. What the f**k. I looked out of the classroom window to see Leo asking the boys something. They all then turned and pointed at the classroom I was in. I left the room to see what was going on.

"Oh my god Mira!!" Taekwoon ran towards me and embraced me in a tight hug. My heart began beating fast and I forgot how to breathe. I slightly hugged him back.

"Uhm what?" I asked him.

"Where were you?!?! Are you hurt?!?!?" He freaked out and began scanning my face and checking to see if I was hurt.

"What no what's happening? I was just at my mums house." I replied very confused.

"You scared the s**t out of me. Why didn't you tell me?" He looked into my eyes concerned.

"I just wanted to leave you alone for a while jeez." I laughed.

"I thought you were murdered." He hugged me slightly before we made our way back to the boys.

"What just happened?" Hyuk asked confused.

"Yeah what's wrong?" Jaehwan questioned.

"I stayed at my mums house last night and Taekwoon thought I was murdered" I giggled. Everyone looked at Leo who was now blushing. 


If you find any mistakes let me know. I wrote this in a rush because I realised its been over a month since I updated so yeah.

Living With Jung Taekwoon/ Vixx LeoWhere stories live. Discover now