Start of a Bad Day

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The sound of the toaster popping woke Sophie from drifting off to sleep. It was 7:30am, and Sophie was sitting at the table in the large, open kitchen. It was Sophie's first day back at school after the holidays, and she was dreading it. She had only one more year before she did her exams, and she had no idea what she was doing. She was failing most of her studies, and she had hardly any friends except for Jaz. Life for Sophie was not turning out well, and on that day in particular... she was going to be hit with news that would change the course of her friendship with Jaz forever. Sophie sat picking at a piece of toast, for a sick feeling was rising in her stomach. "Are y' not gonnae eat your breakfast Sophie?" Her mother said as she walked into the dimly lit kitchen. "No mam... im not hungry..." Sophie sighed, picking off some crusts from her toast. "Are y' sure its not being hungry that's gettin' y' down, or is it something else on y' mind love?" Her mother asked. Sophie felt inclined to answer her mother, but decided that it was best to just better not to... she just sat and shook her head. "Okay... it's just... not like you to leave your food, are y' sure that there is nothin' wrong sweetheart?" Sophie tried to not tell her mother the truth about why she was upset... she still hadn't told her mother about what she fount on Saturday, and she was determined to never ever tell her... but could she really keep a secret like that from her mother for so long? She just decided to shake her head and take a small bite out of her cold piece of toast, before placing the plate by the sink and grabbing her backpack from the kitchen floor, giving her mother a kiss goodbye. "Hat, Sophie..." Her mother scowled. Sophie rolled her eyes, grabbing her riding hat from the coat hook. "Yeah yeah I got it... I got it! Jeez mam... I'll be wrapped in bubble wrap walking inta school if I let y' protect me that much..." Sophie joked, but her mother just smirked... which was a great disappointment to Sophie. "See y' later mam, love y'..." Sophie blew a final kiss to her mother, who blew one back. "See y' dear heart...have a good day at school now wiya? Love you!" Her mother called just as Sophie was shutting the door. "Love you too..." Sophie's voice was drowned out by her closing the heavy oak front door, but her mother heard her anyway.... who sat silently laughing to herself.

The crisp morning air nipped at Sophie's ears and turned her fingers to stone. Frantically trying to get Jethro's tack on in the dim light of his tack room light. "C'mon Jeth, stand still..." After minutes of fighting to tack up the massive beast, Sophie was finally on her way up the lane to her school. As she was quite far from her school, she rode Jethro up to the bus stop everyday, leaving him in a field that Mr McAvan allowed her to use while she was at school all day. Sophie arrived at Mr McAvan's field at around 8:15am... just in time for her bus to arrive at 8:20am. Getting Jethro's tack off was much simpler than getting it on, and once she had put it in the shed next to the field gate, she ran to the bus stop... where a cold, frail Jaz stood with her shoulder bag sitting neatly by her side... her long, blonde hair flew about her like a tornado, whipping her and everyone around her in the face. "Jaz!" Sophie shouted to her, waving her arms about crazily. "Come on Soph, you were almost late for the bus!" Jaz giggled. "I know, i'm sorry. Jethro wouldn't stand still and lemme get his tack on this mornin'..." Sophie laughed, trying to catch her breath again... just as the bus pulled up in front of them. Sophie gulped... Shall I go on? Or shan't I? Jethro is right there, I could make a run for it... No! Keep it together Soph... you've got this... Sophie told herself, before plucking up the courage to hop on board, taking a seat next to the window at the back o the bus. The mass of screaming voices from the school children didn't distract Sophie from waving goodbye to Jethro before the bus pulled away. "Why do you wave to him ya numpty? He ain't gonna wave back!" Jaz laughed loudly, right in Sophie's ear. Sophie just shrugged and resumed to looking out the window at the passing scenes of forests and quant, rustic cottages that were so spread out that by the time the bus had picked up another load of passengers, Sophie had completely forgot how many she had counted. Don't worry Soph... today will fly by, you'll see... as long as y' stay with Jaz... you'll be arite... Sophies mind began to wander, bringing her back to images of the willow trees and rose bushes that she had seen on Saturday... the thought of them, and what they meant to Sophie... brought tears to her eyes. The sound of bus doors opening and a hubbub of noise comin' from the other kids brought Sophie back to reality... they were there... there was no turning back now... 6 hours of this.. and i'm was free again... just hopefully nothing bad happens today... Sophie took a deep breath, and walked on through the big iron gates, Jaz linked through one arm, and into the courtyard.

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