Never Forget What's Important

13 0 0

30th August 2015

She had done it. Through working hard and persevering, Sophie was finally able to afford the equipment she needed to record. In all fairness, it wasn't the best tech around, but for just starting out... She had all she needed. Sophie had spent all year looking for the right editing software and how to edit videos to a reasonably good standard... and now, she believed, she was ready. Her first video went up on the 5th of September 2015... achieving no more than 15 views... but those 15 views made Sophie feel something that she hadn't felt in a really long time... joy... and pride. She was finally achieving her goal... her dream... and no matter what happened... She would always try her hardest to do well for people... that's what she had been taught to do. Over the months leading up to her first video... She had thanked and thanked her mother so much... without her, she would never have been able to achieve her dream. Her mother was her life... her soul... her protector. Never ever forget to tell your mother you love them...

"Mam you'll never guess what?!" Sophie screamed as she bounded down the rickety stairs of her cottage. "Oh I bet I can..." returned Sophie's mother with a smile. Her mother always did like to play tricks on her, even when she was little. "Well!... Okay maybe you can... BUT this time you won't... because this time is different. My first video has 15 views! 15! That's 15 people in the world who sat down t' watch what I created... I mean admittedly it was only a video of how t' draw a real lookin' eyeball but ya know it's a start..." Sophie beamed up at her mother. For once she felt pride in what she had accomplished... and her mother couldn't be prouder of her dear heart. "Oh... ma dear, dear Sophie... look how much you have grown. It seems like only yesterday you were trying to take those tiny first steps... reachin' y' wee chubby arm from the coffee table t' the armchair so that you dinnae fall... and now look at y'... my grown up wee lass..."Sophie could see her mother getting emotional, so stopped her with a hug before she could get too overwhelmed. "I promise y' mam... once I start making real big money... imma get you that holiday t' Spain you've always wanted... wouldn't that be nice mam?" Her mother nodded, brushing a stray piece of hair behind Sophie's ear... she craddled her hand... terrified of one day, having to let go.

As she promised... Sophie continued to make videos. From once every two weeks, to once every week, to once every two days. Sophie's mind was full of ideas and she couldn't wait to release them to the world. Her views were slowly increasing... from 15, to 50, to 500... Sophie was finally getting recognised and even took to making online profiles for her channel. 13 subscribers to 30 to 300... those figures started racking up too... everything seemed perfect... but then again... It always does... until it becomes broken...

On November 16th 2015... Sophie's mother became ill... she was hospitalised for weeks with no sign of improvement...

On December 24th 2015... Sophie's mother died...

She never did get that trip to Spain...

For months after, Sophie was in despair. Too many thoughts were trailing through her mind... 'it was my fault'... 'if I had done this she would still be here'... 'why was she taken from me?!'... '...It was my fault...' She could no longer focus on the videos that were so important to her... for the most important thing in her life was taken away from her. There was only one thing she could think of now...

I need Jaz...

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