The Truth Shall Set You Free

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It had been almost 3 and a half months since Jaz moved to Japan with her parents, and Sophie was still coming to terms with not having her best friend around to talk to... she was slowly going insane.
She began to spend more time away from Jethro, and more time sitting in her room... away from everyone she knew. It was a half term, so Sophie was only off for a week... however, she spent most of that time in her room, keeping the sunlight out and her deep thoughts in. It was about 10:34am, the sun was shining... but Sophie didn't even notice. She was lying on her bed facing her door, thinking about Jaz. Suddenly, Sophie heard her bedroom door slowly creak open, as she saw her mother standing in the doorway.

"Sophie dear, are you okay?"
Sophie just looked at her mother, rolled her eyes and turned over to face her wall. "C'mon love... what's up? You definitely not been yourself lately lass... what's the matter? C'mon, tell y' mam..." Sophie listened to her mother, and at the thought of Jaz, she broke into tears. Sophie's mother lay her hand on her shoulder, which was comforting to Sophie... who proceeded to turn round and hug her mother. "I miss 'er mam... I miss Jaz... I want her back." Sophie sobbed. Her mother stroked Sophie's long, ginger hair... slowly rocking back and forth with her. "I know love... I miss Jaz too... But she had to go with her parents... it couldn't be helped..." Sophie pulled away from her mother... scowling at her with her field green eyes staring right into her mother's. "How can you say that mam?! Of course it could be helped! She dinnae have t' go... She coulda stayed here with us!" Sophie felt like screaming at this point... instead she just grabbed one of her pillows and turned back around to face her wall. Her mother saw no need to continue trying to speak with Sophie... and so retired back downstairs to leave her in peace.

It had been almost an hour and a half before Sophie was able to stop tears from streaming down her face. The sun had gone and was now replaced with damp, heavy grey clouds that blanketed the sky. Sophie stood up and went downstairs to her mother.

The woman was sitting on a leather sofa, situated in front of a bay window... facing towards the Highlands. "How are ya love?" Her mother said, turning towards the still shaken Sophie standing in the doorway. "Still cannae cope with it mam... I miss her. Nothing can help that..." Sophie etched her way to the leather sofa facing her mother. "Well, why don't ya head out on Jethro for a wee while? He usually helps you out in these times.." "These aren't like the last few times mam! This is different! Jaz means a lot more to me than just a few bits of difficult homework! Why don't you understand that?!" Sophie was on the verge of crying again.

The thought of life without Jaz was too difficult to bear. "Soph... sweetheart... You can talk to me about it... right? I hate to see you like this..." Sophie's mother went and sat next to her, putting a gentle arm around her shoulder. "I cannae deal with her being away mam... We were partners... best friends... soulmates.... A part of me was lost when she went away. Even Jethro cannae help me... I may never see her again... And I cannae even speak to her... I may never speak to her again! I might not even remember who she is if she ever comes back!" Sophie was on the verge of screaming, when her mother's calm voice soothed her. "Oh... dear heart... It's ok to miss someone. Heck, even I have missed someone before... Its a part of life... A part of growing up..." Sophie noticed a difference in her mother... She was sweeter... More loving... She had changed. "Mam... who have you lost in your family?" There was a moment of silence between Sophie and her mother. "Sophie... for years I have tried to hide you from the truth... mainly because I didn't want to admit that it affected me so much... but also because I knew you would get so upset about it... I couldn't bare to see my baby so upset..." This time it was Sophie's mother who was reduced to tears... it hurt Sophie to see her mother like that. "Sophie... you know the story that I told you about your father... about how he left us for someone else..." Sophie nodded. "Well... that wasn't entirely true dear heart... you see... your father died in a car accident the day before your 6th birthday. He was making his way to us from work and collided with another car... I'm... so sorry I didn't tell you sooner... I was afraid that you would get so upset... I'm sorry..." Her mother began to weep. Sophie was in shock... but all she could do was comfort her mother. "Mam... I..."

For a while, it was hard for both mother and daughter to exchange any words... no matter if they were for comfort or not... there was a lot of hurt from the both of them... in the end, it got too much for Sophie... and she stormed out of the room and down to the field, leaving her mother still in tears on the cold sofa.

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