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Sandall: Where are you?
Sandall: Hello?
Sandall: ROCKY! Are you okay?!

Rocky'N_Roll: Yeah I'm sort of okay. Sorry I couldn't tell you, Moonbin's not letting me go meet you...

Sandall: Wait, Moonie said that?!

Rocky'N_Roll: Yeah...

Sandall: Where is he! I'm gonna message him!

Rocky'N_Roll: No sweetie don't. It's not... He doesn't mean it like that...

Sandall: Stop calling me sweetie and how does he mean it then?!

Rocky'N_Roll: He knows how you are with people like me...

Sandall: People like you? You're just you.

Rocky'N_Roll: People with problems... You try to solve them he says...

Sandall: Of course I try! He's sweet but sometimes he's so stupid...

Rocky'N_Roll: How so? He just doesn't want you getting involved with my people.
Rocky'N_Roll: Problems! I meant problems!

Sandall: People? What people?

Rocky'N_Roll: Nothing. I said problems, probably auto-correct messing up.

Sandall: What people Rocky!?

Rocky'N_Roll: Bad people okay...

Sandall: But I thought you were friends with Moon and Jin and Eunwoo and Mj?

Rocky'N_Roll: Also but I'm also friends with some bad people.

Sandall: Why would you be friends with bad people?

Rocky'N_Roll: Because they help me.

Sandall: If they're bad people they're not helping...

Rocky'N_Roll: Yes they are. They give me money when I do things for them so I can keep living with my mum in a house.

Sandall: Your mum again!?

Rocky'N_Roll: Yes she doesn't work much so...

Sandall: Rocky I'm worried

Rocky'N_Roll: Don't be.

Sandall: And sad because I'm all alone in the Starbucks waiting for you...

Rocky'N_Roll: I know cutie but I can't come...

Sandall: Could I at least bring over a drink to Moonbin's for you so we can at least meet?

Rocky'N_Roll: I guess, maybe Moon is okay with it if he's with us...

Sandall: Yay! What do you want?

Rocky'N_Roll: Espresso Machiato, I like strong coffee with a soft edge~

Sandall: That's just like you~

Rocky'N_Roll: What?

Sandall: I'm on my way~

Rocky'N_Roll: See yah~

Moonbin still refused to let them talk but they saw each other

Sandall: Moonbin is an asshole!

Rocky'N_Roll: Don't be mad at him. He just wants to protect you... Thanks for the drink though...

Sandall: You're welcome Rocky
Sandall: But I still hate him...

Rocky'N_Roll: You should talk it through with him...

Sandall: There's nothing to talk about. He should stop being a bully

Rocky'N_Roll: You're too naive...

Sandall: Am not!

Rocky'N_Roll: Are too

Sandall: Am not!

Rocky'N_Roll: Fine then not, but I gtg. If I don't Moonbin will take my phone when he sees we're still chatting...

Sandall: Fine... You are more handsome irl than on the pic

Rocky'N_Roll: haha thanks Bae, bye bye cutie~

Sandall: Bye Handsome Rocky~

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