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How many secrets can you keep?

"Is everything alright?" Jungkook asked Seokjin, who nodded his head in reply pushing his big glasses lighty and ends his call with Hoseok.

"Ah yes, Hoseok said that Taehyung is asleep in your room" Seokjin replied, Jungkook nodded his head and they walked inside an abandoned looking building, Jungkook knocked on the door, after a few seconds, the face of Mark greeted them, a smirk went up to the said mans face as he saw Jungkook.

"Ah Jungkook my man! How are you?" He greeted, Jungkook merely nodded and gave a smile, Mark lead him to Jackson's office, where the other had been all this time, they entered the room and saw Jackson.

"Oh? Jungkook what bring you by?" Jackson asked wth a smile plastered on his face, Jungkook only chuckled in response and sat on the couch, Seokjin standing beside him.

"Well you should very well know why I am here, Jackson, your debt hasn't been paid yet" Jungkook replied a sly smirk on his face, Jackson went wide eyed but hid it with a smile quickly, Jungkook sat relaxed onto the couch, the other chuckled nervously in response..

"Oh come on! Can you just wait for me? I'll pay you back I promise" Jackson replied, Jungkook sighed having no choice but to nod his head, making Jackson breath out a sigh of relief.

"Then why don't we just drink away? I have brought an expensive wine especially made in Italy" Jungkook said with a smile on his face, motioning Seokjin to give them both, both Mark and Jackson had started to drink it until half of the bottle was finished. They both had a satisfied smile on their faces, as well as Jungkook's.

"Wow this is some good wine you have Jungkook I am- " Jackson was cut off as he started to feel dizzy, as well as Mark, who was sparawled out on the couch Jungkook stood up, those deadly red eyes looking at both of the unconcious bodies, he pulled out his gun and shot the two in the head, shooting once, twice.

"It was fun negotiating with you" Jungkook said with a smile before walking out the room with Seokjin, they both started to drive home.


Taehyung looked up at the time worriedly, Jungkook wasn't home still, it was making him worry to the core, he saw a clear red on his mark, dark and dangerous, Taehyung sighed and started covering himself with the sheets.

"Baby boy?" He heard that deep and raspy voice of Jungkook behind him, Taehyung turned around and saw him, a sigh of relief was released as he saw the man.

"Where were you?" Taehyung asked as Jungkook merely laid down beside the brunette.

"Out. Work" Jungkook mumbled, Taehyung sighed before laying down with the ravenette next to him on the bed.

"Good night then" Taehyung murmured before going to sleep, his back facing Jungkook's own.


"Nonsense Jungkook! You will never have him back" He heard Lucifer's voice ring throughout hell, the fire starting to become a shade of fiery red as the demon fumed, Jungkook was set with determination as he replied 

"No. I will get​​ him back, not even you can stop me" Jungkook said, he was sent down into hell after he got into an accident with an unknown car crashing onto him, Lucifer sighed in defeat.

"Therefore you shall be one of the Lux, you must still bring the evil in Earth as the time for the judgement will soon come" The deep and demonic voice replied, Jungkook nodded his head and bowed before the fire.

"I shall"

Jungkook reminisced his memories as he drank his water, thinking about all those times he has suffered, and that man who had taken away his precious lover. He smirked, the playful glint in his glowing red eyes, intimidating as ever as he thought of the plan he has going on in store for revenge.

"Revenge can be the sweetest thing I've ever tasted"


​​​​Heeeyy so this is for the suckish update I made, I'm so sorry I gave you a bad one, but for Jungkook's real job the explanation will be on the next chapter. But seriously thank you for the subscribes! I really hope you will hang on to Horns thank you.

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