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I guess we changed
I guess that’s how everything is

"How could you let him?!" Jungkook screamed in rage, one of his guard flinched, Taehyung had escaped without any of them knowing, angering Jungkook more at the thought of Taehyung leaving him.

"We are very sorry sir but-"

"No! Just-" Jungkook breathed out a sigh as an attempt to calm himself down "Just call Minseok and Jongdae, tell them to find Taehyung immediately"

The guards nodded and quickly went off to work, Hoseok looked worriedly at Jungkook, shaking his head.

"I thought you'll let him go once he's had enough of you?" Hoseok asked, making Jungkook smile sadly at the ground, he looked back at Hoseok.

"Can't I say my goodbyes before I leave this world?" Jungkook retorted with a rather heartbreaking smile before he walked into the basement, he felt the tears and emotions that he's been hiding, burst out of him as he yelled and threw everything inside the dusty room, destroying everything in place, everything had became too much for him, he just needs to wait for a few hours before he sees Taehyung again.

Every warrior has its weak points, seems like I have one too.

"Taetae!" Jimin yelled in glee and relief as he saw a panting Taehyung in his doorstep, Yoongi and Minjae flinched awake, they all ran up to Jimin and saw Taehyung, standing there awkwardly.

"Where have you been you idiot!" Yoongi asked in worry and a bit of anger, Taehyung shook his head, refusing to speak anything about Jungkook, he pulled his turtle neck up more to cover the mark on his collarbone, Minjae wrapped an arm around his lover, the brunette looked up at him but he felt like the sparis gone, instead there was nothing, he didn't feel the butterflies as he looked at Minjae just like before, no there was none.

"It's okay you're here now and that's what matters to us" Minaje said softly and hugged Taehyung tightly, Jungkook flooded the brunette's mind, he bit his lip as he remembered the photos of his dead brother, how much he mourned for him, he felt anger burst through him completely forgetting about the man who had marked him.

"Come on let's get you to bed" Yoongi said, they took Taehyung into the room before they all huddled up in the couch, leaving Taehyung in his room.

"He's hiding something" Yoongi spoke up, Jimin nodded his head in agreement at this as well as Minjae, they couldn't help but wonder who did this to their friend, but that was until a knock on the door was heard, the trio went towards it only to see a man dressed in a black coat smiling up at them.

"Good evening sir, I am Kim Minseok, may I ask if Kim Taehyung is in here?" Minseok asked them, eyeing each of them, Yoongi shook his head and gave a glare to Minseok.

"No, why'd you ask?"

Minseok smirked and shook his head.

"My apologies for disturbing your night, I shall leave now" He said before going off and walks into their van, driving away, Jimin went upstairs to check up on Taehyung but he was not there anymore, their eyes widened in realization.


Honestly, I miss you
But now I’ll erase you
Because that will hurt less

Taehyung woke up slowly, his vision a bit blurred, he blinked once twice before his vision cleared and he saw Jungkook, looking at him with rage and sadness in his eyes.

"Let me go!" Taeyung yelled as he tried to stand up but was pulled back by the handcuffs that were on th headborad, he glared at Jungkook.

"And here I thought you'll never leave me, promises are made to be broken after all" Jungkook spoke as he shook his head, Taehyung scoffed at him.

"How can I stay with the person who murdered my brother?" Taehyung retorted.

"You mean your brother who kept hittig and abusing you? Ah" Jungkook said nonchalantly, Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"When we were still children he kept hitting you, abusing you behind your mother's back, I was always the one who protected you, but I guess everything was replaced as a thought of Minjae huh?" Jungkook spat bitterly, Taehyung all this time thought it was all Minjae, now it all clicked, when he asked Minjae about his brother, he shrugged it off and just told him he died. he didn't know anything about him.

"I wanted you back to me but I guess that won't happen anymore since you let Minjae brainwash you with your amnesia" Jungkook spoke, and then his eyes went from danger to soft and innocent and just so pure, Taehyung's eyes widened, the sudden realization of who Jungkook really was came back to him. His heart beating fast as the memories he and Jungkook shared came back to him like a waterfall, crashing down on him hard.

"K-Kookie..?" Taehyung said, unknowingly tears started to fall from his eyes, Jungkook smiled sadly at him, he brought his pistol up to his head, taehyung's eyes widened in fear at what Jungkook's going to do, Jungkook felt the warm tears fall down once again as he took a good look at Taehyung.

"You're still as beautiful as I remember" Jungkook said softly, the sweet words stinging Taehyung's heart as it beated faster, he kept hsaking his ead, trying to stop Jungkook.

"N-No Kookie please you can't do this!" Taehyung sobbed out, trying to untagle himself from Jungkook, whom shook his head in defeat.

"You already chose Minjae, Tae, now I need to go" Taehung shook his head as Jungkook went up to him and uncuffed him, quickly, Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck tightly, not wanting to let go, but Jungkook merely pushed him out of the room, locking it, Taehyung felt everything crashing down as he kept banging his fist on the door.

"No! Jungkook please, just when I started remembering you!" Taehyung sobbed out as tears rapidly flew down his eyes.

"I love you" He heard the ravenette say in the other side before a loud bang resonated through the house, Taehyung panicked and kicked the door down with all his might and it went down, the sight made him stop breathing once again, Hoseok came in and gasped, calling the guards quickly for an ambulance, Taehyung cradled Jungkook in his arms, kissing his bloody forehead.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry forgive me please.

Don't leave me again.


It went from 0-100 quick

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