The Revolutionaries

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Asia Degrade pov:

    I held in a laugh as two boys, also looking my age hit eachother with pillows. "Yo, idiots!" Tobi yelled, they immediately turned to us. "Who's this?" The boy with sandy blonde hair asked. "The newest revolutionary!" Tobi said excitedly, I was expecting to be an outsider but I was immediately proven wrong. "Welcome home, I'm Jackson that's Micheal" the brunette said stepping forward. The two boys came up to me and hugged me from the side. "Th...thanks" I whispered. "So how'd you meet Lin?" Micheal asked, I looked down in embarrassment. "She wrote him, he must see something in her" Tobi explained seeing my nerves. "All the same" Jackson said collapsing on the bed.

   "I'm coming home this summer at my sisters invitation" I sang quietly, Tobi screamed excitedly beside me. "YOU CAN SING!" She said shaking my shoulders, Jackson and Micheal soon came around. "Follow us" Jackson said, he carefully lingered his hand on my bag strap. I slide it down my arm and he took it placing it on the empty bed. As I was soon being lead through groups of people singing and playing guitars, acting out scenes. I suddenly felt overwhelmed.

    "There aren't a lot of children here" I said, Tobi smiled. "CMN only let's about 50 kids in per summer. It prevents anxiety and makes everyone feel like a family." She explained, Micheal added "it only goes from ages 8-13 usually" "Lin let's us stay here as a summer escape. Everyone refers to us as his revolutionary crew or the revolutionaries" Jackson adds. "Do we have to help out and stuff?" I question. "Lin doesn't expect us to, or anyone else but we like to" Tobi says as a group of little girls runs past past us followed by a consueller.

    "Here we are welcome to-" Jackson starts standing in front of a small shack type building but is immediately cut off by the door swinging open quickly. "MY REVOLUTIONARIES" and standing there is none other then

Lin Manuel Miranda...

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