A Saturday in August, 6.43am

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Erica turned her head and gazed for a few minutes at the face of her sleeping lover. She liked thinking of Amanda as her lover. Amanda's long blonde hair was a mess, all over her face and the pillow, and Erica felt a strong urge to gently brush it to one side. She wanted to tidy it up, but also she wanted to touch Amanda's soft, slightly reddened cheek, touch the loveliness of her. The window was slightly open, but it was still hot in the bed – it was going to be a warm day again. Erica could feel the heat of their bodies begin to get slightly too much, even under just the sheet. She wanted to kiss Amanda, but didn't want to wake her up. She still couldn't quite believe that Amanda wanted her as much as she wanted Amanda. She wished she didn't have to work weekends.

Carefully, she eased herself out from under Amanda and let her settle again before carefully getting up. She paused to make sure the movement of the mattress didn't disturb her sleeping lover, then pulled on her knickers and vest-top from yesterday and slipped out of the bedroom.

From the bathroom, she heard Amanda stir, then stumble into the flat's kitchen, and Erica pursed her lips at herself in the mirror. She had really hoped not to wake her up.

When she returned to the bedroom, Amanda was sitting up in bed sipping tea, and there was a mug of tea on Erica's side of the bed too. Amanda blew her a kiss as she pushed her hair back away from her face. 'Do you need to borrow a pair of pants again?' When she saw Erica nod sheepishly, Amanda grinned. 'You know where they are, anyway. I think you should start leaving some stuff here, maybe.'

Erica grinned too. That would be nice. It would be a very couple-y thing to do, like sort of half moving in. She pushed down the intense flutter of pleasure she felt at the idea of moving in. 'OK, thanks.' She pulled her vest top off and bent down to retrieve her bra where it had landed under the bed last night. She heard Amanda grunt, and glanced up. 'What's up, hun?'

'I love this bit of you going to work.'


'Because I get to watch you take your clothes off, of course.' Amanda put her tea down and turned on her side with a happy little sigh. Erica noticed that she slipped one of her hands underneath the sheet, and for a second she wondered if Amanda was going to push it between her thighs. It was something she did a lot, without really thinking about it, and the little gesture always turned Erica on – far more than was good for her sanity. And Amanda did have really lovely thighs.

She watched as Erica began to dress.  'I wish you didn't have to put any clothes on, and could come back to bed instead.'

Erica smiled as she reluctantly buttoned up her work-issue blouse. 'Oh yeah?' Amanda really did look so lovely in her early-morning, messy-haired nakedness.

'Yeah. Don't you tell me you didn't feel something last night.' Amanda smiled at her naughtily, but with a hint of worry too. 'Erica, darling...seriously, it was amazing.' She paused for a second, relishing the memory of what they'd done together, and sighed happily. 'I want to spend the whole weekend in your arms. Cuddling, obviously, but also doing more exciting things.' She giggled.

Erica was pleased to hear that Amanda had felt something new as well, more pleased than she ever thought she would be. She wriggled into her short black skirt, and grinned as she noticed the way Amanda's eyes admired her legs. 'We still can, hun. I'm only working till half-one, then I'm all yours.'

Amanda giggled again. 'I love it when you talk dirty.'

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