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Arthur swore as he looked across at the door way where you were stood, heartbroken look on your face and your fists clenched at your sides. He scrambled out of bed and tried to hurry after you as you grabbed a bag and shoved stuff in it, yelling at you when you refused to listen to what he was saying, and leaving him behind with a loud thud of the front door.

"(Y/N)?" Polly called out as you stormed past the Garrison and towards the train station.

"Stop it let go of me!" You hissed through tears when John tried to stop you and he let you hurry off.

"How's (Y/N)?" Tommy sighed as he and Ada walked together.

"She's alright, how's Arthur?" She stopped and waited for her brother to find the right words.

"In denial, drinkin' 'Im self to sleep every night and fightin' anyone he can." Tommy sighed and the two of them stopped.

"Well she's at the hotel and said she'd come to the Garrison for one drink but she'd leave as soon as Arthur got there." Ada said as she patted her brother's shoulder and headed to the hotel.

You spent the night laughing and drinking, watching Finn and Isaiah make fools out of themselves, teasing Michael's failed attempts to find and acquire a date. Ada helped you perch yourself on the bar and John provided the lot of you with constant glasses of alcohol.

None of you noticed when Tommy and Arthur entered the pub, or that Tommy had to hold him back when a man sauntered up to you and started hitting on you. You were clearly making fun of him with help from Ada and Michael who had John gripping onto the bar as he laughed.

"Arthur, she's not yours anymore you've got to let 'er be with who she wants." Tommy scolded.

"Yeah, yeah right..." Arthur mumbled.

He didn't take his eyes off you. He missed the way you smiled, the way you laughed, the way you'd dance and tease then burst into giggles that had your whole body moving with the laughter.

"You know you're a bloody fool." Poll snapped as he spent the entire night moping and watching you.

"Yeah Poll I know." He snapped and downed another drink.

Arthur Shelby ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now