Just a Kid in Love

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It's a Saturday summer night and for their one year anniversary Stiles had surprised Y/N with concert tickets to her favorite singer, Shawn Mendes. However, he didn't just get her regular tickets. He went all out and bought her front row tickets and managed to score backstage passes to meet Shawn after the show.

Stiles knew it was the perfect gift and he was right. When he surprised her with the tickets just an hour before the concert, she flipped out. She screamed and jumped up and down with excitement before lunging at Stiles, smothering him with kisses and countless I love you's as she clung to him like a monkey. She had been moping all week because the tickets sold out in a matter of seconds after going on sale. She had tried so hard to get some but had no luck. However, Sheriff Stilinski was friends with the manager of the concert venue and was kind enough to help Stiles get the tickets. Stiles knew this would get him the title of being the best boyfriend in the world.

However, right now Stiles was slightly regretting getting her the tickets, as she seemed to ramble non-stop about every awesome thing Shawn did tonight.

"Did you see the way he looked at me?" Y/N asked with a sigh. Her eyes were bright and filled with excitement, still high from all the adrenaline. "With that cute smile?"

"He looked at everyone like that," Stiles tried to say without sounding so bitter.

"Ugh and the way he smelled..." Y/N took a deep breath and exhaled, remembering the smell of a musky and sexy cologne mixed with Shawn's sweat.

Stiles eyebrows shot up. "When did you smell him?!"

"When he so sweetly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in for a tight hug. I swear, it was the best hug of my life!" She gushed with a huge smile on her face.

Stiles rolled his eyes. He had heard of this "fangirl" syndrome and it was something that couldn't be cured. The only way this "fangirling" would end is if her love for Shawn eventually faded away, but it was something that would happen on its own. It wasn't something that could be cured with a couple of prescription pills, nor was it something someone could force out of them. But right now Stiles wished nothing more than Y/N's love for Shawn to disappear.

"And his hair!" She continued before they reached his jeep in an almost empty parking lot. "It looked so fluffy and silky. It made me want to run my fingers through his sweaty and matted hair." Before opening the door, Stiles rubbed his buzzed haircut, making a mental note to let his hair grow out.

Even after they were both in the jeep, Y/N kept rambling on about the great wonders of Shawn Mendes. However, everything she said was on mute as Stiles' brain began to whirl with so many questions.

Would she ever leave me for someone like Shawn?

What if I'll never be good enough or as talented as Shawn is?

How can I compete with someone who's successful and rich before they're even 20 years old?

As Y/N clicked her seatbelt on, she noticed Stiles was just sitting in the driver's seat, lost in his own thoughts. He hadn't started the jeep nor put his seatbelt on. She couldn't help but notice the concerned look on his face. His eyebrows were furrowed together as worried lines formed on his forehead. His lips were slightly parted open and his eyes were focused on one spot.

"Hey..." she cupped his cheek and turned him to face her. "What's wrong?"

He blinked at her a few times before realizing he had zoned out. He shook his head, snapping back to reality. "Nothing. I'm fine," he said flatly.

"Stiles..." her tone sounded like a mother gesturing her kid to start talking after getting in some sort of trouble.

"Don't worry about it. You were rambling on about the greatest guy in the world," he finally hinted at what was bothering him as he looked away form her to put on his seatbelt and put the keys in the ignition.

She put her hand on top of his, stopping him from starting the jeep. She gave him a small smile. "Stiles, are you jealous?"

"No," he said sarcastically. "Why would I be jealous about some world famous and hot singer?"

Y/N couldn't help the giggles that escaped from her lips. Stiles' head snapped to her. "You think it's funny?"

"I think it's adorable," she smiled. Stiles looked at her completely confused. Y/N grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers together as her other hand rested on top of his, tracing small circles with her thumb. "You have no reason to be jealous." Stiles just huffed as he rolled his eyes. "I'm serious. I love you. Why would I want to be with someone else when I know you will treat me better?" She asked sincerely.

Stiles squinted his eyes at her. "Seriously? You're going to quote one of his songs to me right now?"

"So you were paying attention to the lyrics?" She smirked.

"So not the point."

"You're right. I'm sorry," she apologized. "But Stiles, I meant what I said. I love you. There's no one else I'd rather be with, and tonight you continue to prove why I don't want anyone else."

"Really?" He asked a bit surprised.

"Yes. You continue to be so thoughtful and surprise me with things you know I'll love. I mean, you went above and beyond to get, not only tickets to a concert I've been dying to go to, but also manage to score front row seats AND meet and greet passes. Stiles, I wouldn't trade you for the world."

Stiles let out a deep sigh he didn't realize he was holding back as he leaned towards her and wrapped his arms around her for a tight hug. "I'm sorry," he whispered against her neck.

Y/N smiled as she rubbed her hand up and down his lower back. "It's okay, babe. Besides, you're cute when you're jealous."

Stiles chuckled before he pulled back to kiss her. "I love you, you know that?"

"Yes, I do," she leaned in and kissed him once more before pulling back with a huge smile on her face. "I love you, too."

"Well," Stiles looked at the time on his radio. "We still got about an hour before our anniversary is officially over. What do you want to do? Get some ice cream?"

Y/N shook her head. "I'd like to give you your gift. If that's alright with you." She smirked.

"Babe, you really didn't have to get me anything."

"Oh, but I did, and something tells me you'll love it," she said as she began fiddling with the buttons on his plaid shirt.

Stiles' left eyebrow quirked up. "Oh really? And what might that might be?"

"We need to go to my house in order for you to get it," her fingers slowly began to work their way down his chest. "My parents are gone for the weekend..."

Stiles swallowed hard as she slipped her hand underneath his shirt, tracing the curve of his muscles. "Oh really?" He whispered.

"Yup," she popped the 'p' with her lips. She leaned in, pressing her chest against his shoulder. Stiles fought so hard to fight back a moan as her lips ghosted the shell of his ear. She tugged his earlobe with her teeth before whispering, "I bought myself a new outfit from Victoria's Secret in your favorite color and I'm dying to model it for you before I let you rip it apart."

Stiles closed his eyes as he groaned. "Woman... you know how to drive me crazy," he quickly started the jeep and put it in drive, completely unaware a Shawn Mendes song was playing on the radio because all Stiles cared about was the girl sitting in the passenger seat. He was just a kid in love and he knew he was the luckiest guy in the world because she loves him back. And they both knew there was no one else they'd rather be with than with each other because they knew they would never find someone better.

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