A Couple of Boxes and A Phone Call

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Driving for 5 hours doesn't seem long but it is when you're by yourself. Sure, you had your own lip-syncing concert with your radio but that got old fast. However, you enjoyed driving by yourself. The open road with your windows rolled down as the wind blew through your hair and the quietness was peaceful. It was sort of relaxing and it gave you more than enough time to think about stuff. Like college and your mom.

Your dad up and left shortly after you were born, and it's just been the two of you ever since. You were excited the second you read your acceptance letter to California University with a full lacrosse scholarship and your mom cried tears of joy. She was proud of you. She knew how hard you worked to get a full scholarship, knowing how tough it would be to go to college without any sort of scholarship. Your mom was a waitress at a truck stop out of Corbin County, a small town next to Beacon Hills. Money was always tight, but it was enough to pay the bills and put food on the table. You were grateful for everything she's done and honestly she was your best friend. Leaving her to go to college was the hardest decision you had to make. You knew she would be lonely, but what other choice did you have? There was no other way you could go to college without some sort of scholarship.

So all week you packed up your stuff, loaded it in your little red Focus, and FedEx the rest of your stuff to your new address. This morning, you kissed your mom goodbye, hugged her tight, and hit the road with your GPS.

Five hours later, you pulled up to the university and noticed it's a lot bigger than the brochure and website pictures led on. You drove in slowly, carefully trying not to run anyone over while they crossed the street with boxes or suitcases of their own making their way to their dorm rooms. You saw students with backpacks and bags with their newly bought textbooks. Across the street, you saw some guys already playing a game of touch football. They must be frat boys, you thought. Some parents were carrying their kid's stuff or saying tearful goodbyes at the curb. You wished your mom came to have this experience with you by helping you settle in to your new home for the next year, but with the distance she wouldn't have made it on time for work and she can't miss a shift.

Although she didn't come with you, you felt like she did. She called you non-stop during your drive, which you couldn't understand because she always hated you talking on the phone while driving, yet she got pissed after you didn't pick up the first two calls. After the 5th time your mom called, you decided to plug in your headphones to your phone. It was easier to talk to her that way while you were driving.

Your phone began to vibrate as it rang. You immediately answered knowing exactly who it was.

"Mom," you sighed. "You realize this is your tenth call, right? In a 5 hour span?"

"I'm on my lunch break," You heard the tiredness in her voice. "Honey, did you make it already?"

"Yes, mom. I just parked outside my dorm." You answered as you slid the phone into your back pocket. You walked around to your passenger side and pulled out a box from the seat. You walked towards your trunk and popped it up with the button on your car keys. You began to pull out a big box from your trunk and stacking it on top of the other box you pulled out just a minute ago. "I just got here and I'm starting to unload the car. Can I call-"

"How is it?! Does it look nice? Is it as beautiful as the pictures on brochures? See any cute boys? Oh god," You heard the sudden stress in her voice. "There aren't like weirdos there? Or pot looking people?"

"Mom! How would I be able to recognize those kinds of people?!" You stacked up another box on top of the other two.

"Honey, you just can. Trust me."

You rolled your eyes at your mother's response. You squat down to pick up the boxes, bending with your knees as you were always told to do so when you pick up heavy stuff. You let out a small grunt as you picked up the weight of three boxes. Your mother continued to ask you questions but you didn't listen as you were trying to balance the boxes in your arms and walking without trying to hit anyone or trip over anything.

"Honey, are you listening to me?"

"Mom, I'm trying-" You stopped talking as soon as you collided with someone, making the boxes tumble out of your arms and fall onto the grass. Thankfully, nothing breakable was in those boxes. You looked up to see who you had accidently bumped into. Your eyes came across a lean boy in a plaid shirt who had a medium sized box in his hands and a backpack strapped to his shoulders. You noticed the cute dimples on his face that came with the shy smile he was giving you. As soon as you saw his eyes, you immediately locked your eyes with his rich and playful cocoa eyes and suddenly you were consumed.

"Umm, Mom?"

The boy in front of her was taken aback and looked around, noticing no one near the two of them. "Umm, no. Stiles."

You giggled as you pulled out your phone from you back pocket and held it in front of your face. With your other hand, you pulled up the cord of your headphones towards your lips and spoke into the mic, "Mom," Stiles laughed as he realized she wasn't actually calling him mom. "Let me call you back."

You heard your mother rambling, but you hung up on her. You were sure that would only worry her more and call you back in a matter of seconds, but you just had to talk to the boy in front of you. You could explain it to your mother later, she would understand.

"I'm so sorry about that." Stiles immediately said, putting down his box and starting stacking your boxes back together.

"No, no," she picked up a small box. "It's my fault. I shouldn't have been carrying more than I should have while talking on the phone." She looked down at the small box labeled 'Star Wars Movies'. "Oh I think this one is yours." She handed him that box.

"Yeah, that's definitely mine. Don't want to lose those." He grinned as he placed the small box on top of his other box. He noticed she had three different sized boxes. "Can I help you with those....?"

"Y/N." She smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N."

"You too, Stiles." She couldn't help but notice how adorable this guy was and what a great smile he had. She cleared her throat as she remembered she hadn't answered his question. "It's okay. I think I got it."

"I don't think you should carry all of those on your own. Come on, let me help you."

"Okay," she smiled. "Thanks."

Stiles opened his backpack and stuffed the small box of movies in and zipped it closed. He traded his medium box for her to carry with one of her box and grabbed her other two big boxes. "So where's your dorm room?"

"H Hall."

"Mine too! What floor?"

"5th." She followed Stiles to the hall. She was thankful he knew the way to the building because she sure wouldn't have been able to find it on the first try.

"Bummer. I'm on the second. By the way the elevator is broken."

"You're shitting me?!"

Stiles laughed. "No, I'm not, but since that's my last box from my jeep I'm done unloading. I can help you if you have more stuff... I mean we're practically neighbors."

Y/N opened the door for Stiles to go in first. "That would be really helpful."


Stiles and Y/N made four more trips to bring all her stuff into her dorm room. In between the trips they talked about the basics, where they're from, what they're studying, etc. On their last trip back to her room Y/N noticed her roommate hadn't arrived and immediately got the bunk bed by the window as she placed her last box on top of her bed. She turned around to face Stiles. "Thank you so much, Stiles."

"You're welcome." He slid his hands in his pockets. "Umm..." She noticed his nervousness. "Have you by any chance seen the campus?"

"No." She smiled.

"Would you like to?" He scratched the back of his neck.

"I'd love to, Stiles."

She walked towards him, grabbed his hand, and started pulling him out the door as Stiles closed her door on the way out. They didn't know it then, but years from now they would be telling their grandkids how they meet in college and it all started with a couple of boxes and a phone call from their great grandmother.

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