Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Fake
Location: Frat House


The party was lit. Nearly everyone on campus came.

Yera was overwhelmed because she never been around so many people before like this. She wasn't used to diversity and listening to loud rap music.

Yera and Taylor walked in line waiting to pay to get in.

She scoped out what the other girls were wearing and compared to her, she was more covered.

They were wearing skin tight dresses and heels, even one girl was wearing a mini skirt and her ass cheeks were hanging out.

Taylor tapped her shoe on the ground impatiently as they waited in line.

Finally approaching the guy that was collecting money, Yera dug into her pocket where she stuffed her five dollars.

"Woah woah woah woah, I never seen you hea befoe'." The guy said.

Yera looked up at him, not knowing what to say.

He stood at 5,10, brown skin with curly hair. He had facial hair that really complimented his face, and the diamond earrings in his ears shined too bright nearly blinding her.

"I'm new .." Taylor said before biting her lip as she looked up at him. "We're freshmen."

"Damn, but I was talking to luh' chocolate shawty." He said dismissing Taylor. "What's yo name." He asked.

Yera became shy. "Um- Yera. I'm Yera." She said as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

Taylor looked at him in disbelief. She couldn't believe he just dissed her. She honestly didn't understand because she thought she looked better than Yera. She knew she looked better. Yera was darkskin. She was nothing compared to her fair skin.

"That's different, keep yo money baby. I'll see you inside lata' gawgess." He said before licking his lips.

Yera blushed. "Okay."

"Girl come on, it's hot as hell out here. He's not even all that." Taylor said pulling Yera by her arm.

Getting into the house, Taylor quickly left Yera to do her thing. Yera began to get anxious.

She never been to a party before and Taylor leaves her.

It was loud and people everywhere. Girls mugged her and the guys eyed the girl they never seen before.

Pull Up by Lil Herb blasted through the house and every female screamed in excitement as they all ran to the dance floor.

Yera stood there, not knowing what the hype was about.

"Damn bitch, watch where your going." A girl said as Yera accidentally bumped into her.

Yera frowned. "Then don't be in my way." She said.

"Stay in your place freshman." She said rolling her neck.

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