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My mom all but bounced on the couch as Damien introduced himself and his pack. my father sat on his ark chair and analyzed dameins movements.
I would say Damien does great under stress from time to time I would squeeze his hand and smile and he would visibly calm down. Everytime this would happen my mom would go into a fit of giggles(like a thirteen year old listening to one direction) and y brothers would roll their eyes.

My father rose from his chair and and looked Damien in the eye and clearly said the best words
"Welcome to the family son"
And gave him one of those man hug handshake things my brothers all clapped him on his back an my mom bounced into his arms you would think she was the one who was having her mate get accepted
"Well I'm gonna retire for the night Damien Rebecca will show u the spare room on the third floor" for some reason when my dad said spare took my heart sunk and I know Damien felt something because he tightened his hold on me
"With all due respect sir I would like to know if I can room with Rebecca we won't do anything I promise it's just it's the first day I have seen my mate and I want her in my arms"

My mom being the teenager she is startin bouncing up and down sighing at how cute quote' young love' is

My father was hesitant but ending up giving in to my puppy eyes and my mom and damiens( yeah I know he had a puppy dog face)

And that is how I ended up snuggled up to an Adonis our heart beats no kidding into one was the most amazing feeling ever

Yay I finally reached 1k reads thanks to everyone who read the book hopefully you guys enjoy how I changed the pace on it.

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