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     Emily went back everyday and sat there for hours. Eventually she stopped crying but she still held his hand and stared off into space. She was completely broken down just waiting for him to wake up.
     The rest of us visited every other day because we knew he wasn't going to wake up until the doctor wanted him too. Calum was still tense. I hid his gun from him knowing he might snap and go try to hunt down Derek. He got mad at first but understood why I did it. Michael and Ashton went back to working but for less time. I learned they were in charge of shipments and selling. I don't know what exactly they were selling but I knew it wasn't legal. Calum joined them a few times just to get out of the house. The girls and I just sat around watching Netflix. I took a few weeks off work so I could worry about everyone at home.
      The boys got home. They looked extremely stressed out. "I'm gonna fight." Calum finally blurted out. "I'm gonna challenge Derek. I have to do it, for Luke." I knew I couldn't argue with him, "I understand Cal." I hugged him and he pulled me onto his lap. "Michael and I are gonna train with him as much as possible to make sure he wins. The fight will be in 2 weeks after Luke wakes up." Ashton said.
     If I told you I was worried I would be lying because I wasn't. I was fucking terrified. Calum may be one of the best fighters out there but that guy almost killed Luke. I didn't want two people I care about to get hurt. I knew what Calum was going to do, if he had the advantage he was going to kill the guy. I heard him at the hospital, he wants revenge.
Emily's phone started ringing, "Hello?....Yes this is her....okay hold on I'll be right there...." She jumped up and ran to her room shoving on some shoes and pants, "Emily what's wrong?" She ran back into the living room panting, "He's....awake...."
Now it was our turn to jump up and pull on something other than the same pajamas we had been wearing the past three days. We all rushed outside piling into different cars and driving to the hospital. Emily ran up the 3 floors to the desk near his room, "H-Hemmings." She huffed out trying to catch her breath. The nurse smiled and walked us to his room where he was talking to the doctor.
     "Luke! Oh thank god baby you're okay!" She started crying letting out all the pain she's held in. Luke opened his arms and pulled her in for a gentle hug, "I missed you so much, I heard you voice and your crying everyday and I wanted so badly to hold you and make everything better." He kissed her forehead then looked over at us, "I heard you guys too. I don't blame you Mike and I don't blame you either Ashton. You're my best friends. It was my decision to do it. Calum, I know you're planning on challenging him for me and I'm okay with that just be careful please. Elle, you've been so strong through all of this. Acting like the toughest one when in reality every time you were here you cried. I'm proud of you. You guys are all my family and I'm so lucky to have you." We were all crying. We were so fucking happy to have Luke awake and okay.
     The doctor said he could leave two days later after some tests and bed rest. Emily went alone to pick him up while the rest of us cleaned up the house and got everything ready. The house was a disaster from no one giving a shit. I made the guys clean the bathrooms while the girls and I cleaned the bedrooms. "Wow Rose I didn't expect someone so shy to wear these." Sapphire held up a bright red thong. Rose snatched it away from her, "I-it was a v-valentines gift." She shoved it into a drawer. We all giggled, "Don't worry, I have something just as embarrassing planned for Calum and I's anniversary next month." I hope he likes it. Rose smiled.
The front door opened, "They're home lets go!" We ran to the front door where Emily was holding it open for him. He looked a lot better without all the tubes and wires on him. "Welcome home Luke." I hugged him carefully. "Thanks Elle, I'm glad to be out of that shitty hospital bed." We helped him over to the couch. "It looks like someone actually cleaned for the first time since we moved in, it's a miracle," He chuckled. I glared, "You may be hurt but don't think I won't smack you upside the head." He raised his hands in surrender, "Calum control your woman!" Calum just chuckled, "Sorry man if my boo wants to kill you I'll stand by her side." He kissed the top of my head. Luke groaned, "Come on what happened to bros befo-" I raised my hand, "Don't you dare finish that sentence." He made a zipping his lips motion. Calum just chuckled, "That's my girl."

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