First Impressions

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Alan's POV

I stepped out of my car and kissed my mom goodbye, "Promise to call me every week?" Mrs Ashby said, "Of course I will, I love you" I said as I waved and walked towards the college entrance with my luggage, I was so excited for college, so many new people to meet and classes to attend, truth be told I loved school, I loved learning new things, I always had a thing for music, it helped me through some tough times in my life.

I continued to walk towards the front desk where I'd soon be met by a lady dressed in a green polo shirt with what I'm guessing was the school logo embroidered onto the left side with her platinum blonde hair placed neatly into a ponytail, "H-hi" I managed to choke out, "Name?" she said in a monotone voice, "A-Alan Anthony Ashby", "Okay, two minutes I just need to find you on the system, would you like a map of the campus?" she asked, "Yes please" I said in excitement, "Okay, there you are, you're in block C room 12, here is your key".

I grabbed the key and map, said a quiet thanks and rushed off to my dorm only to knock into someone and drop everything, "I'm s-so sorry, I-I wasn't looking where I wa-" I said scarcely, "Dude it's fine, here let me help you" the unnamed person said, "Thanks, again I'm so sorry", "It's fine honestly, I'm Kellin, what's your name?", "Alan, nice to meet you. So are you new here or?" I asked still embarrassed by the whole ordeal, "I'm a sophomore, do you need help finding your dorm?" Kellin asked kindly, "sure, thank you".

I walked up to my door and said goodbye to Kellin, I grabbed my key and opened the door to see a practically naked boy lying on the bed stomach down with his headphones in, "Hi?", no reply. So I say it louder next time "Hello!?", the brunette takes his headphones out and scans Alan from head to toe, "Are you my roommate?" he asks clearly intrigued by the ginger, "y-yeah I am" I say covering my face with my hands, separating a couple of fingers to look at him, "Oh, um let me go put some clothes on" he says embarrassed as he runs to his dresser and hides behind it while he slips some clothes on talking to Alan as he does so, "So are you a freshman or transfer?" he says from across the room, "Freshman, what about you?", "Junior" he states, "oh that's cool" I say genuinely interested even though I was finding it hard to keep my eyes open because of the long journey here, "Well I think I'm going to head off to sleep, oh wait I didn't even ask your name, mine's Alan" I said with a chuckle followed by a yawn, "Austin" he says bluntly, "well, um, yeah I'm off to bed" I said quite surprised with his tone, I didn't want to be making enemies yet, especially because he's so ho- stop I've only just met him, he's probably not even gay, I walk towards the bathroom, slip my pants off, put a long t-shirt on and walk out of the bathroom towards my bed, well this is going to an interesting year.

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