C1: Old Relic

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"Master, I couldn't possibly –" "You must."

Satele angrily turned off her comlink. "Stay here. I'll be back." Satele left 233 F medical room and went for the High Council. Her master had told her to come there. Apparently, it was more important than an injured, almost dead friend.

As she was walking, a boy her own age walked by her. She immediately clutched her lightsabers, not knowing why she had done it. Then, her mind clicked into place. "Hey, wait!" Satele turned and grabbed the boys shoulder. "You. You're the boy who stole my lightsabers in the first year of Jedi Training."

Jace laughed. "Yeah... Sorry about that. I was... Going to sell them," Jace immediately wished he hadn't said that. The girls face seemed to explode. "What??? SELL THEM?" She took a deep breath, and then her face settled back down. "I'm Satele." She said softly, almost embarrassed of her explode. This girl has problems, thought Jace. He shook her hand. "I'm Jace Malcolm. See you later I guess?"

"Yeah." Said Satele, turning and walking away. Halfway down the hall she looked over her shoulder. Jace was still standing there, looking smug. Satele sighed deeply and looked down.

"Give them back," She walked back to him. Jace smiled and gave her back her lightsabers. Satele laughed. "Thanks. See you," She walked away, making her way to the Jedi Council. She liked Jace. He seemed like a cool friend to have.

As she entered the Big round room, Her master was already there. "Finally, Satele." Master Kao Cen Darach. "Why isn't the Council here?"

"Never mind that, I need to go on an immediate mission with you." "Mission!?" Satele was overjoyed. She hadn't gone on a mission with her master for Millenniums. (Really two weeks)

"We've picked up a reading that some ancient Sith Artifacts are hidden at the old Sith temple on Korriban. You and I have been picked to retrieve them. We have to get them before someone else does. Someone that can use them for something not good. We also heard a smuggler Nico Okarr was going after them. We have to stop him. A smuggler like him can't be trusted with such Sith Relics." Satele nodded, and tilted her head. Her brown ponytail followed her head with a swish. "Will we need a Trooper Escort for protection? It seems like something the Council would do."

Master Darach smiled. "Yes, we will. A Trooper who's name is Jace, and another one that I can't remember." "Jace?" Satele asked. "Yes... Do you know him?" "Barely. He stole my lightsabers two years ago. He's alot older now though... I don't think he would do it again," Master Darach laughed. "Of course. Well, we shall leave tomorrow. Be ready at dawn."

"Yes, master." Satele left the council room, and went back to her quarters. She didn't want to go back to the medical room, for fear of what she would see... But she would before she left in the morning.

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