C2: To Korriban

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Satele sighed. Her landing vessel was small and hot. Barely any room to walk around.

Her and her master Darach were out in space, in a small freighter with the pilot seats, and then two rooms in the back. No guns, nothing. Just a transport ship. One room in the back was for sleeping, but the other had a playing table for playing Dejarik, or Sabaac. Other than that, nothing else was fun about her ship.

"Master, how long have we been flying through space? How many parsecs is Korriban away?" She asked her master impatiently. "Relax, Satele. We've been flying for forty minutes, and Korriban is 80 parsecs away. We've covered about 12." Satele groaned.

"If you're really so impatient, maybe play some Dejarik with Jace Malcolm." "He cheats." Satele stated flatly. Her master laughed. He was piloting the ship. Satele slowly stood out of the co-Pilots seat, and sighed. "Fine, I'll play some Dejarik with him." She started to leave. "Satele, don't pretend for a minute that you don't cheat as well." Satele burst out laughing.

"Hey bucket head, wanna play some Dejarik?" At least, that's what her mind wanted to say. Instead she said, (With crossed arms) "Jace, wanna play some Dejarik?" Jace stopped shining his helmet and stared at her blankly. "Sabaac." Satele un-Crossed her arms and held them out. "But you always cheat at Sabaac!" She protested. "So do you," he put down his helmet and crossed his arms, slouching in his seat. "Ugh, fine."

It was an intense and interesting game, and to her surprise, Satele won. "You didn't cheat." Satele said bluntly. "Nope. Didn't need to," He answered, standing up and heading for the back room. (Trooper sleeping quarters)

The more and more she though about what he had said, the more she realized something. He hadn't cheated because he wanted her to win. Why? Was he trying to prove something to her that she couldn't have proven herself? Or was it just truly a random thing that he had lost.

"There are no coincidences." Master Darach said. Satele looked up from the floor. She was sitting back in the co-Pilots seat, hugging her  legs to her body. "can you read my mind?" She joked. Her master's  eyes filled with glee. "No, but I know you, Satele."

Later that night, Satele walked to her sleeping quarters and felt happy.  She had actually beat someone at Sabaac!

Hey guys! Hope your liking it! I can't wait to get on with the super fun parts of the book! Love you guys!
(Shout out to all Satele fans, Rey fans, AND Ahsoka Tano fans!)

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