C3: Into the shadows of Darkness

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The ship shuddered. Satele and Jace swayed to the side.

Satele hadn't gotten any sleep last night, so she was practically falling asleep in her chair. Jace was sitting across from her, cleaning his gun. The ship took a rough jerk and Satele awoke with a start. "What? What's happening..." And then fell back asleep. Jace laughed. "Weirdo," He muttered.

He stood and walked to the pilot room. "Master Darach?" "Hmm?" Master Darach was just as tired as Satele. "Let me take the joysticks. I'll pilot the ship," Jace offered, leaning against the doorway. "Thoughtful... But I'll be fine." "With all due respect, your not. You need to rest. You could crash the ship."

Master Darach was surprised at this Troopers Boldness. "Alright. Korriban isn't to far away, and the coordinates are right there." He stood up from the pilot seat and let Jace sit.

He walked into the back rooms, and slowly shook Satele awake. "Dejarik?" He asked. "No, too tired. You need rest too, Master," She said. Darach nodded. "Alright. I'll be in the back room."  Satele nodded.

After that, the ship really didn't jerk at all. She guessed master Darach had been drifting to sleep, and so the ship would jerk when he awoke.

Satele really didn't care. All she wanted to do was sleep.

As Satele slept she dreamt of something... Either a vision, or just a dream, she didn't know.

In the dream, She was running away, and then jumping.... She leapt into the air, and grabbed someone's hand...

And then she saw her master fighting two figures with red lightsabers.

Darkness flooded her view and her father appeared. "Satele... Satele Shan..." He said, and slowly removed his mask. "Trust the Force," He said, and then disappeared. Her mother appeared. "Satele! Hide!" Then Satele's mother was killed by something...

Satele awoke. Her voice screamed, and her breath was  fleeting. She found herself panting for air, sweat on her forehead, and her hair thrown about.

"Satele," Jace came from the back room. "what happened? It's unlike a Jedi to scream." he teased. "Nothing. Go back to piloting." She refused to tell him. "But I'm not... Master Darach took over the ship again about ten minutes ago." He answered.

"How long have I been sleeping?" Satele thought aloud. "A long time." Jade replied, heading for the back room again. Satele sighed.

She tried not to think about it as they landed on Korriban with a shake.

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