Chapter 1

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Written by: lulu47527

Yup not bringing that jacket was a mistake. My thin charcoal material was absolutely useless against the freezing winds that were ripping through Seoul. I dragged my boot clad feet towards the bright entrance of BigHit, opening the double doors and welcoming the warmth. Early spring my ass. Placing my headphones around my neck and pausing the music, I made my way through reception. Internally cursing the nasally receptionist for dragging me out of my warm practice room, Urgh. Swiping the pass card over the electronic reader, I mentally prepared my self for the talk with one of the senior staff members, inwardly shitting myself. I walked past the offices that held the evidence of our companies 7 member success, cabinets full of different awards. I smiled and continued through the maze.

Stopping in front of the pale blue door, deep breath in and smile. I knocked lightly on the freshly painted door letting out the breath.

"Come in." the voice of PD nim called out clearly. Twisting the worn handle, I walked through bowing my head slightly in respect. I waited for him to finish typing and address my presence within the room. After a few minutes of awkwardly shuffling my body weight from leg to leg he looked up. "Ah sorry about that Sunyoung, just finalising a few arrangements. It's probably best you sit, the others will be along shortly." My face must have shown my confusion as he offered me a look that clearly stated 'You'll see'. Ah suspense, lovely.

Another knock sounded at the door, clear and loud, I turned in my chair slightly jumping at the creaking of the hinges. Through the door came another girl that, I assumed, was my age or older with ginger hair; a vibrant colour that was clearly not chemically manufactured. Her smile turned to slight confusion as her monolid eyes met mine, she slid into the remaining chair without invitation. Before PD nim could begin to explain anything another timid knock sounded. Needless to say my confusion was reaching maximum limits, I didn't even know these people were trainees here. Just as the half terrified girl was shuffling through, two more arrived in the doorway. One waved awkwardly whilst the other simply smiled and stood behind the two chairs. This is turning into a freaking office party. The older man leaned back into his chair and let out a low, gentle chuckle.

"Well girls. I'm sure you're all wondering why you are here, this is your first step. Congratulations, this is our new debut group." He said smiling as he just dropped the biggest bombshell for trainees like us. I'm seriously going to debut, with people I don't know... crap. I looked around at the others wondering if I had gone delusional for three seconds. I resisted the urge to laugh at their shell shocked expressions, though I probably looked the same. Then I realised that i'm going to have to live with them.

The ginger recovered first, "Thank you Sir for the opportunity but I was under the impression I would have been debuting on my own, not that I don't appreciate it." She spoke using multiple hand gestures trying to maintain her polite composure. Well then, screw you too.

"Yes that was the original plan however I feel this group will help each of you in different ways." His gaze shifted from each of us, I kept my eyes on anything inanimate, hands shoved between my thighs and the chair in order to warm them, "...And so, you'll need a leader, now this is just a guide, a go between, you're a team. They'll be kind of a messenger between management and yourselves. " We all shifted, Gingy pressing her shoulders back and smiled, Rapunzel in the back looked up with a mixture of shock and boredom, the fearful one sucked on her bottom lip nervously. As for myself and the paler one we glanced at each other and back to the smiling man in front of us, eyebrows raised. Don't judge, I don't even know their names.

"Do you want to know who it is?" This guy, he's enjoying this way too much.

"Can you just tell us, please?" The pale one, that was now leaning against the wall arms crossed across her chest, half glaring at PDnim, the formality as an afterthought. He simply let out another chuckle.

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