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As the day comes to an end, Daniel finds himself glued beside Ash. She's always playing with her neon pink hair, or twiddling a pencil, or playing with the hem of some sort of clothing.

Daniel sticks beside her willingly. It's a chance, according to his friends, to make the plan work. They've whispered this many times to him; their voices like honey sweetly dripping into his skull and coating every inch, bringing a good feeling to his body. It's a warm feeling.

"Maybe we can hang out sometime," Ash suggests as they walk to Daniel's locker.

He nods enthusiastically.

"Like, this weekend? I've got nothing much. Um," She trails off, "I'll text you. Bye, Danny!" Ash skips off to her own locker, and Daniel smiles. He felt good at the moment. Not because some girl seemed to be taking a liking to him (which, he was kind of unhappy about because he was much, much, much more fond of guys), but because by getting close to this pink haired freak, he was making his real friends happy. Their whispers were excited shouts only he could hear. Dances; exuberant jigs pounding against his brain to the beat of a never ending tune.

"See ya tomorrow, Danny." Ash flashes him a bright smile and dashes to her bus. Daniel watches her go, watches the bus vanish down the road, watches the rest of the buses follow, watches the last of the students leave school property, watches the little animals scurry past. He waits. He waits. Waits. Waits. Waits.

The sun sets over the courtyard and casts shadows that dance in circles, taunting Daniel maliciously.

By 8:00 pm, all glimpses of the sun are gone, and Daniel's left sitting on the sidewalk outside the school.

A few cars wobble past on their little button wheels, with their little voodoo doll people, whirling past the little model houses.

One car rolls to a stop outside the school, right in front of Daniel. The door opens, and out pops one of the doll drivers.

"Why the hell haven't you come home?" Charlie screeches as she walks up to Daniel. He shrugs.

"Learn to fucking speak and get in the car."

Charlie grabs his arm, pulling him to the car and getting in herself. Both doors slam shut, and Charlie pushes on the pedal. The automobile clambers down the avenue.

"Mom's pissed, you know," Charlie mumbles to him.

"Good," Daniel croaks out. He smiles to himself.


Charlie struts in the house, flinging her keys onto the counter. Their mother rushes into the room; her hair a mess with pajamas covering her.

Daniel jogs in after them, closing the door. His mother instantly starts her lecture.

"Daniel Evan Rhodes, you have caused me so much anxiety in the past week. Your counselor insists these are all the ways you are acting out to seek help; and, even though I'm sure you're just being stubborn, I'm taking you to a professional to get checked out." She folds her arms over her chest.

She goes on, "This Doctor is good at his job and is sure to help you get your act together. All this nonsense with the counselor is getting obnoxious."

"Therapy," Daniel whispers with a strange look on his face. He nods once. Shakes his head. Nods his head. Sighs. He walks past the other two and finds his way to his room.

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