Home :(

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After, the talk I went straight home even though it made my stomach churn just to look at the place. As soon as i walk in all i see is a blur come towards me and i am enveloped into darkness.

My eyes flutter open into a dark room. The air is thick and filled with a chemical. I try to stand but my limbs are heavy which makes it worse since the floor is ice cold. I don't know what to do when suddenly a bright light appears from a door not to far from me. However when i look up it's my mother. She looked pissed but also happy in what seemed  a weird way.

" So who were you talking to at the bus stop? You looked quite upset, but he seemed to comfort you." I froze stone cold, because whenever someone is around me she manages to drive them away. I feel like she wants me to be alone and suffer, which wouldn't surprise me.She looked at me again expecting my reply and all i said was," he's actually just a study partner for English. I mean i need it right?" I said in a shaky tone of uncertainty, which i hope she didn't hear."well you know you can always ask me that is if you can manage to speak up, which hardly ever happens. "You see you have a problem you don't talk and people think you don't like them, which automatically makes them not like you. You are making this worse on yourself. I only want you to know even if he does leave not to be that upset. Its a lesson, so get used to it. Other than that you can get up when you can walk again."

Her tone was like a knife to my throat, but I couldn't get out of my mind what she wanted to prove: it was all random. I eventually got the strength to walk again and walked straight to my room. As soon as i got there i got this random text.

Random person: Hey girl

Me: Um... Who is this?

Random person: Your girl Tantos Remember?

Me: OMG... What's up I have missed you so much!

Tantos: What happened? One day you were here the next you were gone.

Me: Well we moved again, because my mom apparently doesn't want me to have friends.

Tantos: Well, she will have to deal with it 'cause I'm moving to your new school!!!

Me: OMG I can't wait to see ya sista... Hey gtg mom's coming!

Tantos: Ok see ya later girl.

(end of text)

My mom bursts in suddenly and begins to look around. I have no idea why she always does this, it's not like i'm some demon child who hides porn in a shoe box(GOD)."so how's your homework? I expect you're doing good in math at least." , she says with a smile on her face as if she were trying to be interested in my school work(besides the grade itself)." I actually don't have any home work. I got ahead of the class, so the teacher gave me a pass." I say with the most "angelic" smile on my face. She looks at me smiling, but I can see the frustration behind her eyes. She was trying to find something to tear me down with, but it wasn't going to work this time. I have won, but that means she will come back swinging with another round."well, that's....wonderful. Dinner will be ready in 15 minutes."

As soon as she leaves the biggest smile comes onto my face. I look in the mirror and notice i look like the Grinch when he gets an idea(lmfao). Even though dinner was ready i really wasn't hungry, plus she know I never come down to eat. The joys of having the only upstairs bed/bath( I am left alone).

IT get's dark and i eventually lay down, but i just can't get the thought of Tantos finally coming and how Derekk comforted me. It was very strange at first, but now it feels almost normal(which in my book never happens.) Eventually sleep envelops me and hopefully for a while. 

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