Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Vera had thought getting a good night's rest would make things better, or at least less confusing, but she was wrong. Very, very wrong.

All morning it seemed like everyone was avoiding her. Halsten had left the house early to run errands and her father had claimed he wasn't feeling well and hadn't left his room. When she arrived at the dig site (she had taken the buggy by herself, despite Halsten repeatedly telling her not to, and nothing bad had happened so she felt completely justified) Dr. Peters was nowhere to be found and no one knew where he might be.

Another odd thing she noticed was the unnecessary attention she was getting from Kareem. For the past few weeks they had only said a few words to each other in passing, but as soon as she had arrived at the excavation that morning he had followed her around like a lost puppy. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye and realized he was staring at her.

"Okay, what is going on?" she asked.

He looked puzzled, shrugging at her. "I'm not sure what you mean, Vera."

She held up her hand and started ticking off the things that were different or downright weird. "First, you and Dr. Peters had an argument yesterday and now he's missing. He hasn't missed a single day of work since we started this excavation. Second, everyone seems to be avoiding me. Third, since when are you fluent in English? I thought you were still learning? Fourth, I keep seeing things. And fifth, why are you following me around and acting all friendly? It's strange."

He stared at her for a long time before answering. "I'm not sure I can answer all of your questions, but as for the third; I have always been good at learning languages and I pick them up very quickly. And if I am bothering you with my presence I will leave.  I was trying to be helpful, but I can see my efforts aren't wanted."

He walked away looking dejected and Vera felt awful for being so unkind.

"Wait!" she called, following after him. "I apologize, Kareem. I've been a bit out of sorts these past few days. I didn't intend to take it out on you. That was rude of me."

He nodded, but still looked a bit insulted.

She smiled at him and said, "Since no one else is around, I suppose we should try and get some work done. What do you say?"

He returned her smile after a moment shaking his head and saying, "If that is what you wish."

Another severe headache exploded behind her eyes and Vera swayed on her feet.

That same eerie voice whispered, Remember, Vera! Only this time it seemed more insistent, as if the fact she wasn't remembering was causing the invisible voice trouble.

"Vera? Are you feeling unwell?" Kareem's voice echoed.

As the pain began to dull Vera managed a small nod. "Yes, I'm fine. Just a small headache."

"It didn't seem to be small. Should I call for a physician?"

He was looking at her with concern and something else she couldn't place. She assumed it was pity or some other useless notion. It aggravated her.

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "It's fine. Really. Let's just get to work."

He relented after seeing the determined look on her face and they made their way over to the newest discovery. She was excited to see it, since she hadn't been there the day it was found. To be honest she couldn't remember where she had been or why she had missed it and that was another thing that was bothering her. It felt like there were chunks of time she was missing. Things she couldn't remember.

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