A Lost Boy, A Darling and A Really Confused Sienna

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I clenched my bra against my chest, as if it would act as an incredible weapon if the person were to turn around and try to attack me.

For a moment, I paused in the doorway, my eyes darting from one corner of the living room to the other, surprised to find that the Darling Boys, and their possibly unwanted guest, were no where in sight.

"Robbie?" I rapped on the door gently, afraid that they were all waiting in the shadows of their dark kitchen to sneak up on me.

"Is anyone in here?" I called out. It would be a whole other story if the person had broke into the house if nobody was here.

"Mr. Darling?" my last hope was that the hooded figure had been Mr. Darling, concealing himself so my mom couldn't catch him outside and force him into an uncomfortable situation that resulted in him and the boys over at my house for dinner tonight.

"You're an idiot." I whispered to myself as I continued in through the dark house. "Just turn around, Si. What if the person is like a killer or something?" I would be just like all those girls, in every horror movie ever, who ended up going in the house, even though they knew better than to go into the damn house.

My head whipped up at the sound of laughter coming from the first bedroom on the right, one that I knew from the few times I had been here, as Jai's.

". . . can't even begin to imagine, Alex." I caught the last of Jai's conversation.

"I'm going to try. I mean, she's like the most innocent chick in school, she'll have to cave at some point." I heard an unfamiliar voice join in, causing my hand to stop in mid air, inches away from the door.

Who were they talking about? No poor girl deserved to be used by one of the Darling boys.

"Look, Alex. I don't think it's a good idea to-"

"Don't." I heard Jai cut Robbie off, "I don't want to hear your bullshit again, Robert. Now go get the car ready to go before I make you." I blinked in surprise at the warning tone in the oldest Darling's voice, something I'd never heard before.

Before I had a chance to wrap my head around what Jai had just demanded, the door swung open and I was face to face with familiar hazel eyes.

"Shit." Robbie slammed the door shut behind him before his brothers could see me, "What the hell are you doing in my house?"

"The door was open." I said absent-mindlessly. "And I saw someone walk in, and they left your door open. I didn't mean to come in and I-" Robbie threw his hand over my mouth, cutting off my babbling.

"You saw someone walk into my house and you followed them?" he asked, his head moving from side to side, "Do you believe that you're some super secret ninja or something? What if he was was going to rob the place or something? Or if he had a gun?" I bowed my head like an ashamed child, hugging my bra against my chest.

If you just walk out now, Si, you'll be free of humiliating yourself .

"Sienna?" Robbie reached out to touch my shoulder, but I took a step back and shook my head.

"You're right. I'm sorry for worrying about you guys." I breathed out before stalking back down the hall, shaking my head to myself.

Why had I come in here? I had known very well that the person coming in could have been dangerous, armed or not.

"Sienna, wait!" Robbie caught my arm and forced me to turn around again, leaning forward so we were more at eye level.

"Look, thanks for being worried. But you don't need to be coming into the house, especially to follow a stranger, all right?" If I didn't know any better, I would have thought by the tone in Robbie's voice, that he was worried about me.

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