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I am sorry for not posting, I had this chapter all written but NO INTERNET. It was a difficult week...anyway here it is. Enjoy! N/N means nickname.

Y/N had never spent much time in the herb garden. It was one of the places she and Zen could have disappeared when they were younger, but they had preferred to go elsewhere as they hated bothering the herbalists. As a consequence, it was one of the parts in the castle she knew little of and didn't have any dear memories about. So when Zen led her there she was surprised. "I didn't pick you as one to sit about with flowers in your hair, Zen." Zen glared at her while Mitsuhide stifled a laugh. "Please don't say stuff like that in front of her." Y/N suppressed her glee and observed her surroundings silently. They walked around the garden without a word. Zen had believed Shirayuki would be there, but even if she wasn't he had always liked strolling through the glass building and he knew that, despite her teasing words, Y/N did too. "If she isn't here, I know where she is." Zen said. Y/N rolled her eyes. "Shall we go then? Or, I mean, we can stand in an empty garden if you want..." Zen sighed. "Let's go."

"So Y/N, how's your sister?" Mitsuhide inquired.
"I always knew you had a thing for her." Y/N winked at him. Mitsuhide blushed furiously and began stuttering. "Wh-what??No, no, not all...that's not what I meant. I-"
"Relax Mitsuhide, I was only joking." Y/N rolled her eyes. "I know you like Kiki." Kiki, who was walking ahead of them with Zen, didn't say anything, though a light blush dusted her cheeks. Y/N's statement had only made Mitsuhide even more nervous. "Geez, it's too easy to mess with you. I meant the second thing though. Anyway, Masami is doing fine, thanks for asking. She's stepping into her role well and, maybe, I think her relationship with Koichi is lightening her mood."
Zen frowned. "I had no idea..."
"Yeah, me neither, at least not until it happened. But the longer you think about it, the more sense it makes. She's sensible and lacks a sense of fun, he's sensible and lacks a sense of fun. She's interested in politics, he's interested in politics. She's a thousand years old in her soul and so is he. Besides, I think he really loves her and she really loves him. So I'm happy."
Zen was glad to hear this. Though he'd never been as close to Masami, he'd still grown up with her, and like all noble children, they were raised 'the right way.' And sometimes 'the right way' wasn't every fun. It made you cling to whoever you had. Zen might have not have been best friends with her, but they shared the bond of their tough upbringing. "That's good. We're here." Zen stopped at the door and knocked politely. Garak opened it, and was shocked to see the four of them standing there. She threw her arms around Y/N, even though Y/N wasn't the most huggable person, she returned Garak's with the same warmth. Y/N only let a few people hug her like that, and she hugged even fewer. Zen was the exception. Zen she could touch in any way, and he could touch her in any way and she would accept it. Because Zen was one of the only people she trusted wholeheartedly. Garak stepped away. "Look at you! You really are a beauty aren't you?"
Y/N smiled. She knew Garak probably better than she should, due to the amount of times she'd come to see the healers. She and Zen had quite a past with them. "Come in!" Mitsuhide and Kiki gave Zen a look which he understood fully. They waited outside, while Zen walked in behind Y/N. "Look who's here, Shirayuki."
Obi had already looked up from the book he had been staring at to see Y/N's extraordinary eyes glancing over him. She smiled at him, which made something strange twist in his stomach. He returned the grin. Shirayuki, who had previously been reading some papers at the table was taking in Zen and Y/N. Y/N could already admire the apple red hair and stunning green eyes Shirayuki possessed, it was obvious that she was beautiful. Zen hadn't spoken much of her in his letters, he just said over and over that he wanted Y/N and Shirayuki to meet face to face. Now, here they were. Shirayuki hurriedly stood up and smoothed out her apron nervously. Y/N strode up to her confidently. "Hello, I'm Y/N." She introduced herself, sticking out her hand. Shirayuki was both surprised and grateful at the informal introduction. "Shirayuki." She said, shaking it. "Pleasure to meet you, Shirayuki. Zen has been very anxious for us to meet." Y/N said cheekily, winking at Zen, who was blushing. "Oh-oh..." Shirayuki stuttered. Y/N raised an eyebrow. These people were just too easy to tease! Zen had always been a little awkward, but Y/N knew that she could be too. It was Masami who was always the smooth talker. "Anyway, I hear the last few months have been quite adventurous? I can see how that red hair could attract really is extraordinary." Y/N let go of Shirayuki's hand and stepped back a little, eyeing her hair. Shirayuki tucked a strand behind her ear, feeling uncomfortable at being examined. Y/N, picking up on her discomfort relaxed her stare and smiled. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. Just ask Zen, I possess a great talent in making people uncomfortable." Zen met Y/N's gaze and they shared a short, sweet laugh. "Oh by the way, I have a cut. It's nothing bad, really, but Zen made me come here so that you can check it out." This was directed more at Garak than Shirayuki. "Will you ever learn to be careful, Y/N?" Garak asked, rolling her eyes. She reached for some bandages. "I would," Y/N said slowly, "but then I wouldn't get to visit you as much. And that simply isn't fair!" Y/N held out her arm while Garak wrapped the bandage around it. "I'm honoured you feel it necessary to injure yourself just to see me."
"That's N/N for you. She does everything to the extreme." Zen joined in the conversation.
"Yep! I probably should be getting back to my room and unpacking." Y/N said, heading to the door. "I can show you-"
"Nope! Wouldn't want to pull you lovers apart, you probably don't get that long together in a day! Besides, if it's the same as always I know exactly where it is."
Zen and Shirayuki were red at the 'lovers' comment but Zen replied, "Yes, it's the same room."
"Okay, see y'all later then!" Y/N grinned and walked out of the room. Obi stood in the corner, quietly observing. He found Y/N's manner to be strange, something like an old friend's of his. It was so happy and teasing that it reminded him, almost painfully of his friendship. Y/N was a strange girl indeed, she had switched so easily from the polite noble from the fun loving tease that it almost scared Obi. He had seen Zen undergo a similar personality switch, though one not half as drastic. Obi was interested in this, how she'd learnt to hide her other self so well. Maybe he was just interested in Y/N in general. She seemed like a girl of mystery, and what could Obi say? He loved a mystery.

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