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Without wifi all Wattpad would let me do is here: I have now posted TWO chapters. I think that's pretty good. And what's even better is that I didn't break my iPad out of frustration! Believe me I was tempted. This is more action between you and Obi. Hope you like it and if you don't...well don't worry I definitely won't take it as a personal failing of mine at being a good human. *sad sniff*

When Y/N left the herbalist office and passed Kiki and Mitsuhide, her smile dropped. She walked to the room she loved through the halls she knew in bittersweet silence. She recalled her eight year old self racing with Zen through these very halls, screaming at him to catch up. She missed that. She missed it all. She missed the simplicity of her childhood. Everything was all complicated now. She opened the door to her room finding her luggage as expected. Masami's room was next door, but Y/N didn't think she'd be there yet. Y/N collapsed onto the bed and placed her hands on her face. Breathing into them for a few counts, she removed them. One arm went up over her head and the other by her side. She was so tired. If she was honest, truly honest, she was unbelievably tired. She couldn't have gotten more than five hours of sleep in a row in the last two years. Things at home were getting worse, and the stress kept her awake. She couldn't admit that to Zen of course. He understood many things about her and her family, but he wouldn't understand the way she deprived herself of sleep. He wouldn't understand how sick her mother had gotten. He wouldn't understand how frustrating it was to have lost control over everything. She just wanted to fall asleep, straight away for once on her life, and once she got there it might be nice to stay there. Forever. Or maybe, when she woke up again, have everything be okay. But that would be something out of a fairytale. Y/N sighed.

A few hours later, Obi had been tasked with reminding the guests of dinner. He stood out the front of their rooms, unsure exactly of who to tell first. He decided on the door on the left. He knocked politely, which was strange as he usually gave news via balcony. But he knew that Zen wouldn't improve of him swinging in on a random noble girl's balcony, uninvited. He heard a female voice say, "Come in." He obliged. He opened the door to see Y/N leaning over a mirror, putting on lipstick. "Hey, it was Obi, right?" Obi nodded with a slight smile. Y/N straightened up and turned to him. "Zen said to come to his office, and that he'd escort you to dinner."
Y/N laughed. "How noble of him. Well, I'm ready."
Obi couldn't help but share her light-hearted nature, it was infectious. "Yes, well I don't think Zen expected you to be...that's why I came a bit earlier."
"He has no faith in me! I'm telling you now, I am not as unorganised as Zen would make me sound."
"I doubt you are, Princess."
Obi hadn't intended to call her 'Princess.' It just slipped out. He felt embarrassed, he didn't really know her enough to give her a nickname. And what's worse is that he had said it with such affection. He hadn't meant was an accident. He wondered if she noticed. "Well, good sir, are there any places nearby worth visiting?" Y/N said playfully. Obi smiled. "Depends what you like."
"Erm...don't really care. I'm just bored and I don't want to bother Zen."
Obi thought over this. "I'll remind your sister about dinner, then I have an idea of a place that we could visit."
"Sounds good."

Obi loved this spot. It was beautiful. He had already asked Y/N if she liked to climb trees, which she responded with an enthusiastic 'yes!' Normally he wouldn't have dared make a noble climb a tree, he wouldn't have even suggested it, but Y/N made him think differently. He was walking through the forest just outside the castle with her. "We're almost there!"
"This one." Obi could easily identify the tree. It wouldn't have stood out much to anyone else, but to him it was easy to spot. He went to climb but stopped himself. "You want to go first?"
"No, it's fine."
Obi began to quickly scramble up the tree. Even Y/N could admire his agility. She followed, careful of her dress. When she reached the top, she could understand Obi's love of the spot. The view was incredible. The sky was lit up a rainbow of beautiful colours. It dived from pink to a golden yellow. The sun's light flooded over the hill, illuminating the vibrant green of the trees. "Wow." Y/N said, slowly lowering herself next to Obi on the branch. "It's gorgeous."
"It is." Obi agreed.
"You come up here often?" Y/N asked, cocking an eyebrow. Obi mirrored her expression. "Only when I have time or when I'm not with Zen or Shirayuki. Or when I can't sleep, and I've tried everywhere else." This statement made Y/N's stomach squirm a little. She hated to admit it, but she was crushing a little. How could she not? He was good-looking, with his amazing catlike eyes and short black hair. But then he was also such a romantic bringing a girl he hardly knew to a place like this. It was just a little crush though. Y/N didn't fall in love. Not since the last time. It had ruined her more than she ever could say. No, now she knew that she wasn't meant to be loved. It had proven it to her. Every time she loved someone, she lost them in the cruelest manner possible. It was like everything she touched only seemed to die.
Obi sighed and stood up. Y/N was in awe of his balance. "We should go. If you're late, Zen will kill me." Y/N giggled. "No, he won't. He'll just make you wish you were dead."
"True. Let's go." Obi offered Y/N his hand.
"Okay." Y/N replied, accepting.

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