Chapter 5

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Jonathan's POV

"Shh its his birthday today"

"Its kinda quiet without him at the house"

"I know baby, I miss him as well"

I stir in sleep and heard a guitar strumming and I woke up and saw Nogla and the rest of my lovers

"Your looks, could kill

The pain I feel, your thrills

Are all I, want to gain,

I've been hoping and soul searching,

To find it in the one

I am, wondering how you

Wandered in, I'm asking

Are you staying,

Or would you like to stay in,

Cause I, love to live and I live for you

I live to love and I love you

I love to live and I live for you

I live to love and I love you"

I smile as Nogla sings and plays his guitar

"Your lips, could heal

The scars, they deal

You're unreal, so surreal

That you're mine

I've been, wishing

And day dreaming

Ineffable, unexplainable, come rain or shine

I live to love and I love you

I love to live and I live for you

I live to love and I love you"

He sings softly at the end, and they all said happy birthday and I love you's to me

"Thank you babes" I thank them and looked at what they got me, Luke got me a big light blue teddy bear with a dark blue collar with Luke's name on it, Vanoss got me baby sized clothes of his outfit red jacket, black jeans, white shirt and red converses, Lui got me blue roses, Bascially got me the new far cry primal game, Mini got me a puppy german sheppard, Nogla got me a guitar, Terroriser got me 10 tickets to a paint ball session, Moo got me a blue dog collar with a leash, a choker with Delirious in fancy writing and a baby blue lingeria and lastly was Wildcat got me a ring that have 'I Love You Delirious' engraved in it and clothes.

I have been hospital for about a month or two I dont know really, I got told that I wasn't allowed to have dogs in the hospital so they had to take the puppy home, Terroriser gave Mini my presents that he got me with all my other gifts expect the teddy and ring, I play with teddy and snuggle into it

"Hello Jonathan"

"Hello doctor"

"Were gonna do a ultra-sound on you to check your baby" I nod and we got everything set up and he put the gel on me and put the stick on me, I look at the doctors hand moving the stick around

"Hey I found your baby, want me to take a picture?" I nod again and he pressed a button on the thing and faced it towards me and got up and left, I got up on my elbows and look at the screen and felt tears fall

"Oh hi sweetie" I put my hand on the screen where the baby hands would be and felt hand on my shoulder I turn around and saw Tyler smiling

"Oh Tyler" I press my lips to his and wrap my arms around his neck while his hands rest on my hips, he pulled back and hugged me

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