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Hi fellow Hetalians! In our beloved series Hetalia, like in almost every subject, some interrogations, questions and theories wander in their fan's heads. The question of "Is Germany the Holy Roman Empire?" is something that most of us asked ourselves. In this short book of one chapter, I will expose my opinion on the subject using proofs, cannon/historic facts and images to support my point of view. PLEASE don't be offended, this is just what I think!

I have seen many opinions on the subject. Some think that Germany is HRE, but lost his memory. Others think he actually remembers Chibitalia and his relationship with him. Some people support the idea that they are two different people. I even saw a theory saying that HRE's memories were transfered into Prussia and that HRE's body grew up to become Germany!

Before I tell my opinion, let's set the historical facts. The Holy Roman Empire is a country that was created approximately in the half of the Middle Ages, after the Roman Empire was defeated. It contained mainly the territories of Germany and Italy. It was dissolved in 1806, but the Thirty years War, which is the one where HRE leaves in Hetalia, has contributed to weaken it. Germany is a country since 1871. Before, it was obviously part of the Holy Roman Empire, but was after called several names before becoming the Germany close to what we know today, in the territorial vision.

Now, the cannon facts! It is true that Germany and the Holy Roman Empire look like each other. Same short blond hair, sky blue eyes and clumsiness with girls! They both seem distant, scary and strong, but on the inside, they are kind and caring for those who they love. Holy Rome x Chibitalia is one of the only cannon ships! After HRE's departure, Italy didn't seem to have any contact with Germany until WW1, which I find pretty strange... and when he saw the German, he didn't seem to recognize him, like he would with Holy Rome. That being said, Germany's reaction when he saw Italy was way more pronounced. Some may say that it's because he understood that this man was actually Chibitalia, but in the context, I think it would be more a surprised reaction to what the grandson of Roman Empire is actually! Also, just before this scene, Germany talked about Rome. He said he had to fight his descendant, but he didn't seem to know who it would be. HRE would immediately understand that it's Italy, and wouldn't even want to kill him with "seine sticky friend"!

Some of the pages of the manga are interesting. For example, the creation of Germany. I'll show them to you!

 I'll show them to you!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2017 ⏰

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