Shagun Back Again....

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It was a lovely morning for ishra. But there was one poor soul who was not at all relaxed yet. Though he got his mother's warmth all night but still he was uncomfortable. Adi was the who always suffered without any of his mistake, in the fight of others he has always been used as a pawn. His birth mother took him far away from his father and family love. Just because she needed high society life. She totally brainwashed, brainwash could be a understatement, she actually poisoned his mind against his own family just because she wanted luxurious life and comforts. She made him lie, she made him do planning plottings. And when he was in need of her, she left him in the middle of fire. What an irony... Adi pitied himself...
When he did planning and plottings against Ishita his all plans worked successfully, but now when he just wants to protect her he is always failing. He was standing on terrace looking at the sky as if asking an answer from God.
Adi-why...?? Why the hell she gave me birth...?? Why didn't you gave me to ishimaa..?? Why...??
He broke down completely falling on ground.
Someone from behind kept a hand on his shoulder. He turned back and saw his father standing in tears.
Raman-i complained this thing always... But God never answered adi... I always asked him... That why he didn't gave my Ishita to me before...?? But this is of no use... But you know what I'm still very happy that we got late but we got a gem... A gem which we sometimes forget to preserve.
She is very precious.
Adi-im very scared Papa. I want to protect her.. But every time i get fail. Last time we couldn't save her unborn baby... This time we wanted to hide it. But again we lost... I'm very scared.. If they play any other game and harm ishimaa... What are we gonna do...??
Can't we just get rid of this fear forever.?
Raman-dont panic adi. Just keep calm and think of the ways to defeat our enemies. And for defeating them we have to watch their every moment. So let's compose ourselves and then we will work out for any plan.
Ruhi-papa is right adi bhaiya. And i and pihu will also help you.
Ruhi and pihu were searching adi raman for breakfast. Ruhi knew that in this Early morning adi can only be on terrace. Both came and heard adi raman talking. All four of them divided their work to watch on Shagun and ashok and promises each other that they will protect Ishita this time, no matter what...
On breakfast table.
Shagun-pihu beta have this pasta i have made it with love.
Pihu was not in two mind she was confirm that she doesn't have to eat anything which Shagun has touched even.
Pihu saw adi having his breakfast on sofa. Though Shagun was sitting on table he didn't wanted to come their. She ran to him leaving pasta and Shagun.
Shagun-pihu... Where are you running... Pihu...
Pihu-adi bhaiya... What are you eating.?
Adi-why pihu...?? You also want this..??
Adi-but pihu it's porridge.. I was unwell so Ishimaa made this.
Shagun-pihu don't eat that
It's so tasteless... Come have this pasta.
Adi looked at pihu...
Pihu made faces and he understood that pihu doesn't want to eat that.

Adi-Papa did we do good by throwing her out... I don't think so.. Because here we could have failed her plan easily.. Outside its become difficult.
Raman-you are right adi but now ishita will not allow Shagun here on any condition after your this condition. We have to think of other ways.
Just then police comes in.
Police-Mr Bhalla..??
Raman-what happened sir.. Why are you here...??
Police-we are here to arrest Mrs Ishita Bhalla..
Adi-what..?? Why..??
Shagun walks in with bruises on her face and dishevelled condition.
Shagun-yes sir arrest her... She has beaten me so brutally and didn't allowed my daughter also to meet me. Look at my daughter how scared she is.
Pihu was caught she couldn't move from their because everything happened so suddenly.
Shagun-court has not given its verdict till that pihu will stay with whom and just look at them they just threw me out.
Police-mr Bhalla this is domestic violence, we have to arrest Ishita bhalla.
Raman-what rubbish.. This is all lie..
Ishita-its ok raman let them take me... I know you will take me out at any condition.. So i don't have any tension. And inspector sir.. She is married so why can't she live at her husband's house. Why she has to live here.
Shagun-i too don't have any interest in living here. I just came here to take my pihu...

See sir if they are behaving like this with me then how they must be behaving with my daughter. I don't think she is safe here.. Please let me take her.
Ruhi-what...?? No way pihu will not go anywhere...
Pihu clutched ruhi's hand.,being scared.
Pihu(st)-if i will go then ishimaa all will be sad. And i too don't want to go. And i can't let ishimaa get arrested too... I have to do something.. So that she doesn't doubt me also and ishimaa is also safe.
Pihu goes to Shagun.
Shagun-see sir she is scared. Don't worry pihu baby. I will take you from here. Let's go.
Pihu-wait mumma. I will come with you. But take your complaint back. And release Ishita aunty.
Shagun-but pihu see what she has done to your mumma.
Pihu-i haven't seen her doing this. When did she did.?? Anyways i trust you. But just look at adi bhaiya, he is so sad. He loves aunty very much. And I think you also love your son. And you can't see him sad. So take your complaint back and make him happy atleast. You can do this for me. Right..??
Shagun(st)-i want pihu at my side in court so i have to do whatever she says. You are lucky Ishita you are saved this time.
Pihu-mumma... You are doing it right..??
Shagun-haann..,! No... I.. I.. Mean yes..
Inspector sir i just need my daughter. She is coming with me that's ok and enough for me. So I'm taking my complaint back.
Police-are you sure madam..? Remember i will not take your complaint on this matter again...
Shagun-yes I'm sure my daughter is with me i don't have to worry..
Saying this Shagun holds pihu close.
Pihu was feeling suffocation in her embrace, she just looked on at Ishita who had tears in her eyes seeing pihu's condition. Police left, giving warning to Ishita. Which raised the anger of adi raman. But they kept quite.
Shagun-pihu baby, go and pack your bags we will leave fast.
Pihu-i agreed to go with you because i don't wanted them to take Ishita aunty...
Pihu-i... I.. I mean adi bhaiya... and ruhi didi... Reqested me..
Pihu was so angry that she blurted out the truth but then she realised that she has to act still, till court case ends... So she took adi Ruhi name.
Shagun-but pihu you said that you will choose your mother.
Pihu-that time i didn't knew that you will bring step father for me. You didn't answered me till, that who was that man.. But didi told me that you married that man leaving my Papa. So now you answer me how am i going to trust you.
Shagun-but pihu your Papa also betrayed me.
Pihu-ohhh..!! Really mumma.? So you tell me what has he done..??
Shagun was tounge tight... She doesn't had anything to say... Ishita was raman's wife. But she was not. But now what is she gonna tell pihu.
Pihu-see you are quite now. Because Papa has done nothing wrong.
Shagun-then... Then.. Why he made Ishita stay here..?? He has affair...
Ishita-shagun... Stop your dirty tounge.
Pihu-aunty wait..Mumma this aunty stays here so you have problem.
But ruhi didi also stays here. Who is she..?? Why she stays here without any relationship.
Shagun-wo... Ruhi... Wo...
Pihu-i will tell you... Because Ruhi didi is Ishita aunty's daughter. So you want her daughter to stay here but not her mother. Why..??
Shagun-pihu... Who told you this..??
Pihu-mumma no one is blind here. It's so obvious seeing them anybody can say that they are mother daughter.
Pihu looked teary eyed at Ishita. Ishita and ruhi had eyelock.
Pihu-the way they care for each other. The way they worry for each other. And the way they love unconditionally each other.
Pihu wiped her tears and turns to Shagun.
Pihu-im not going anywhere. You betrayed my Papa. You left him and betrayed I'm still not talking to you... But you can stay here.
Saying this pihu left.
Ishita-tch Tch Tch Tch..,,!! Shagun Shagun Shagun you forgot pihu is my daughter... It's not that easy to manipulate her with your dirty tricks...
Shagun left fuming but was happy that she was again back here.

Pihu-mumma please don't try to butter me. I will eat this porridge only.
Saying this pihu started eating that.
Raman and romi were making prathas for Ishita and mihika, & they both were sitting on table playing with spoons. They were playing with spoons and plates like playing some instrument and singing.
Khana lao...khana lao...(bring the food)
Romi-ofo how much you both are making noises let us concentrate on our cooking otherwise it will burn.
Raman looked at the prathas picking up with two fingers and make a crying sound.
Romi looked at him and asked.
Romi-bhai... In pregnancy ladies cry in mood swings... Why are you crying..??
Raman-because all the prathas are already burnt.
Romi looked at the prathas and he too started crying.
Romi-no problem bhai... I kept poha to cook we will serve that.
Saying this he turned towards the gas and saw poha also burnt.
Both made helpless faces.
Raman-women says right we men always spoil everything. Now what to serve them.

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