Court Marraige....😊

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Hello wattpad people how are my buddies....?? I'm back with your all favourite story update....
And my lovely didi anu99967
I know how much you love this it is also your last birthday gift from my side.....
Wanted to give some light hearted part....and some twist in the here you go....
Enjoy reading 😍
Ishita was preparing bed for sleep. Whole day ruhi debated wheather to ask help from Ishra or not. And when she shared her thoughts to Pihu. Pihu glared her as if she will eat ruhi alive....glaring her she ran out calling Ishita. Ishita looked at her little angel and understood something has made her angry. Pihu made an angry pout and sat on the middle of the bed. Raman came out from wash room and looked at pihu, he sighed and looked at Ishita as if saying....
"last night you spoiled, morning that witch spoiled, and seeing this devil in this mode seems like this night also.."
Ishita signs him as if saying....
"kuch bhi, shut up now and ask her what happened..??"
Ruhi came running behind pihu to stop her but little one was more faster.
Ishra looks at ruhi and gives a confused look.
Ishita-are we missing something..?? ishimaa you sleep..pihu and I had a little fight we will sort out....come pihu. Saying this ruhi steps to take pihu.
Saying this she narrated ruhi's problem to ishra in one go.
Raman-what is this ruhi....why are you hesitating in asking help from us.....
Shravu-she thinks you all are already upset and she doesn't want to disturb you both....
Said shravu who came with his old classes notes....he knew ruhi will hesitate so he thought of helping her himself. Ishita pulled ruhi's ears for thinking that way and made her sit their.
It was 11 in the night and all were awake.....ruhi was trying hard to learn what pihu was teaching her, though she needed to learn basics pihu was the first to teach....
Ishita and shravu were making some simple notes with easy points to which ruhi can understand easily....raman was with pihu who was helping where she was stucking.
Adi comes there with a tray with full of midnight snacks....
Adi-i...don't...believe...this....all studious are together....
Ruhi throws a pillow at him which he escapes with the tray moving from the way....
Adi-listen you...i was in kitchen from one hour if anything spoils i will..... with manners she is your little sister.
Ruhi showed her tounge showing him her Papa is on her side....
Adi looked at Ishita and she called him near with a smile. He smiles fully. And goes near her. All takes a little break from study and enjoys some snacks.... With a little fights.... After half an hour they started again.....this time adi also helped in making notes and teaching ruhi....
Whole night passes and slowly everyone sleeps some taking book in their hands, some keeping pen in their mouth and throwing leg on each other.
In morning.
Toshiji-simmi where are, Ishita, raman.
Simmi-kids must be sleeping mumma it's Sunday.
Toshiji-simmi it's 9'0 clock....might be they sleeping but where is adi, Ishita, raman.
Came vandu calling for him.
Simmi-why are you searching him here...??
Vandu rolls her eyes confused and looks on.
Vandu-where else should I search him....??He came here only last night...
Toshiji-what..??Really..?We don't know....
Vandu-he must be in ruhi and pihu room he came to teach ruhi something....
Simmi-come let's see.
Trio goes in kids room and find it empty..
Vandu-really...??Empty..? I'm sure he came here only.
They checked in adi room also but that was also empty....
Simmi-now only bhabhi bhai room is left....
Vandu-yes let's check their....
Saying this trio goes in their....they were about to knock but found it open. Simmi pushed it a little and door opened.
The view in front of them made them laugh.
Pihu was sleeping in ruhi's lap with a pencil in her hair. Ruhi was on raman's chest with a book on his tummy. Shravu and ananya were sleeping on adi's chest and adi was sleeping in ishita's lap....but he made sure in sleep also his pressure was not on her tummy.
Vandu-in all this only my kshitija is missing.
Simmi-seems like they were awake all night....
Toshiji-yes look at that tray....
Vandu-let them sleep a little will wake up later.
It was 11 am when raman stirred a little and found some heaviness on his he had habit of cuddling his wife....he forgot last night events and hugged ruhi tightly, his tight grip made ruhi shudder and she looked at him waking in jerk. She was not able to breath freely,couldn't voice out too. Her stirring made pihu wake. Pihu looked up and saw her sister signing her to do something.
First pihu was confused she rubbed her eyes with her tiny hands and looked on clearly.
Raman felt some struggling. Without opening his eyes.
Raman-what madrasan....sleep more a little and stop moving.
Pihu literally screamed looking at her scared sister. Her voice made everyone awake.
Shravu-yes use compass and protector.
Adi-and hence this question is solved.
Both wake up in jerk still in maths teaching world.
Raman looked at screaming pihu and then at his chest where his little girl was still struggling under his strong arms....
Ishita looked at him shocked.
Ishita-raman leave her you will kill her.
Raman realised the surrounding, left her and sat up in jiffy.
Ananya wake up lazily stretching her arms in air....
Anu-why everyone is shouting....did ruhi didi understood that concept...??
Ruhi breaths holding her chest...& looks at raman. was...that ishi.....ishimaa....
Said ruhi falling on bed tired.
Ishita looked on embarrassed.
Raman-sorry OK...??
Said raman concerned towards ruhi.....
Ananya was still in sleepy mode she yawns..... And asks again.
Anu-did ruhi didi understood that concept....??
All looks at her and remembered how at last all of them banged their head when ruhi scratched her head destroying her hair roughly throwing pen here and there in irritation. All got tired of teaching her but she was nowhere getting anything and at last all slept like that only.
All of them burst out in laughter remembering last night disastrous class. Slowly everyone slipped from the room to fresh up. Suddenly raman's eyes fell on calender and he jumped off from the bed. Adi was still trying to go out lazily but stopped looking at raman's face.
Adi-what...?? Now....
He said yawning. Raman looked at Ishita who was looking at him with questioning face and then at adi.....he ran towards adi dragged him out and closed the door. Adi looked on confused.
Adi-Papa not early morning please....what it is now...??
Raman-my marraige....
Adi-ohhh it's just a mar.....
Adi looked at raman when he realised the real meaning.....
He was literally screaming when raman dragged him that Ishita shouldn't listen....
Whole family was sitting in living room they looked at raman coming hastily.
Raman- it's my marraige today....i need your all help.....
He said so casually as if it's any random day.....all looked at him like he is any ghost.
Mihika-with akka...??
Raman glared at mihika.
Raman-no for a change I'm thinking to marry you this time.....will you..?? C'mon yaar guys help me out.....i it's date which court gave.....its today....
Adi-wao and you are telling now...??
Raman-i forgot and.....wait....where is that troublemaker....i don't want even her shadow in my marriage.
Ruhi-i saw she is in room, but have to send her from here for today.
Pihu-why only today...?? Send her for one weak atleast....
Ishita-right....court marraige is today....but I want my marriage grand.
Said Ishita who heard them while coming down.
Raman-actually she is right, when we married first neither we were excited nor we were happy,this time i want to enjoy each and every phase and function of our marraige.
Ishita-yes I also had many dreams of my marriage but all got ruined in hustle bustle.
Pihu-yes and I will also see my parents marrying again.
Adi-and me also....
Adi looked on dreaming....and said in trance.
He was not their in ishra marriage how can he be he was so filled by poison....and that woman not even kept him here with her....he hated his father without any reason.
Raman pressed his shoulder in assurance and hugged him. Adi wiped his tears and lift up pihu parting from raman.
Adi-so pihu ruhi has seen Papa ishimaa wedding so we both are in one team....
Ananya-mee also I'm also in your team.....
Both kshitija and Anu joined adi pihu....siding shravu and ruhi.
Ruhi-so what I have shravu in my team.
Saying she stood beside shravu.
Toshiji-oye good-good very good. And this time this marraige will be....
Amma-south indian style.
Simmi-this is wrong aunty ji last time also you......
Vandu laughs and side hugs simmi.
Vandu-relax simmi Amma is kidding....
Mihika-wao it will be so much fun...
Ruhi-but what about troublemaker...??
Adi-dont worry i will handle that....but for now ishimaa go and get ready for court marraige. What are you going to wear..??
Shagun-whose marraige..??
There came that inauspicious sound to which everyone hated.
Adi-My friends marraige.....but you are not invited.
Ishita looked at adi in 'O' shaped mouth. This boy was something whom she also didn't knew when it comes to answer Shagun. She wanted to speak but adi pressed her shoulder shushing her with his right hand through which he was holding her. Ishita had no wish of rejecting her boy's plead.
Shagun-that's rude adi i just asked....
Adi-you are poking in my family matter....anyways i don't have time for you....romi chachu buy some nice clothes for Papa. After all I'm marraige organiser and he is my Papa....he should look more good.
Raman understood what adi meant and he goes with romi and mihika in romika's room.
Adi took Ishita in ishra room, ruhi, simmi, vandu followed ishadi. Pihu too wanted to go, and at last she avoided Shagun and goes.
Shagun-where are you going pihu.
Pihu-I'm going to get ready..
Shagun-they didn't invited you.....didn't you heard...??
Pihu-my ears are sharp....they didn't invited invited in every way.
Shagun held pihu's arms and turned her.
Shagun-why can't you see they are insulting your mother...
Pihu-according to me adi bhaiya is also your son....why he never talks you in good terms...?? Can you reason me that....??
Shagun-that's because of that eesheeta.. she teaches him to behave bad...
Pihu-so he remembers her teachings only when it comes on you....? I don't see him misbehaving with others.
Shagun-that's because she hates me...she don't want my good.
Pihu-so should I take it as same reason...??
Shagun-i didn't get you...?
Pihu-you said she teaches him to misbehave with you just because she hates you and don't want your good. So I remember you taught me same.....was that because you hate her and don't want her good....??
Shagun looked on tounge tight....pihu was about to go thinking that Shagun will not speak now....but she forgot this is Shagun...
Shagun-yes I hate her she snatched my husband my family everything. Raman betrayed me for her.
Said Shagun getting irked. Pihu sighed a long breath, how can she miss the fact that this woman never looses. She always plays her cards.
Pihu-i couldn't see anywhere...can you show me....i mean you are saying Papa betrayed you....for her....but tell me one thing why did you married leaving him to other man. I can't see where he betrayed you.
Shagun-you are going far from me pihu....custody case is coming near....will you choose raman...??
She was scared of pihu's decision and as usual she used her fake tears as her weapon....
Pihu-that was not my answer....but I would love to answer you....nothing can make me away from my mother this time....i decided to choose my mother then also and now also no one can change my decision.
Saying this pihu walked quickly before Shaggy can question more.
Shagun smiled widely.
Shagun-whatever you think of me...untill you are on my side i have no fear.....
Simmi heard their conversation and saw Shagun smirking.
Simmi(st)-you are so delusional Shagun....pihu was talking about her mother.....and that's not you..
Kids were struggling in ishita's wardrobe with all sarees....
Ruhi-ofo ishimaa you have nothing attractive.
Ishita was observing adi....he was searching something very keenly....somewhere she knew what he was searching she smiled and goes near wardrobe.
Ishita-move everyone i know what to wear....
All moved aside but adi was still trying to look here and there.
Ishita tiptoed, forwarded her hand and took out a packet from above the part of wardrobe....
Ishita-im gonna wear this.....isn't it beautiful adi....??.see....
Said Ishita flaunting that kanjeevaram saree on her. Adi's face glow up seeing that saree.
Adi hugged Ishita at once....
Adi-i love you ishima....
All looked on confused.
Ruhi-what's so special in this saree...??
Ishita-this saree is gifted by my son....with his first salary.
Adi looked on teary eyed.
Adi-you still remember.
Ishita-how can i forget that day....i didn't even knew that you are my adi....but still it felt so close.
Pihu-ok now you go and wear it fast.
Raman was also getting ready in romi's room. Wearing the texudo which mihir brought on short notice with pooja
Romi saw raman getting so excited.
Romi-bhai you are already married then why jumping like marrying first time....??
Raman's face fell hearing romi.
Raman-you will not understand.
Romi-hey bhai i didn't meant....i was just teasing you.
Raman-my first marriage was disaster....i thought i married whom i love....but it was all infatuation to her fake beauty. Second time it was all for ruhi's sake.....i couldn't even feel any moment. But marrying the person with whom I'm in love with my soul. I don't want to miss any of the moment. I'm feeling on cloud nine right now.
Said raman who was now teary. Mihir and romi hugged him happily.
Otherside Ishita was also too excited.....ruhi asked her same question to which she also answered same crying...
Ishita-i had....i too had many dreams rooh.....regarding my marriage and all. I had a dream of marrying the person I love....i failed first time....second time it was just about my first love, you rooh.... Now I want to feel every phase,every moment.
Adi-i promise you ishimaa we will fulfill your all wishes this time.
Ishita-im so getting the man of my life.
Said Ishita getting excited.
Kids laugh looking at her childish act and hugged her happily surrounding her.
Raman comes out wearing black texudo all clean shaven looking handsome as always. He looked above and saw pooja and ruhi bringing Ishita dressed beautifully in orange kanjeevaram saree. He knew it was gifted by adi.....she told him long ago.

He smiled looking at her glowing face.....because of pregnancy and also because of marraige happiness. Both dream of marrying there love was coming true.....and soon they will enjoy every phase.
Pooja-bhaiya...see I brought your bride.....
Mihir-ahan....not bride to be bride. Now let's go....we are getting late....
Raman forwarded his hand towards Ishita and she kept her hand on his blushing like a newly bride. All teased them by hooting and then goes to court together. Whole way in car both were stealing glances with each other, they knew it's not new something but they were getting that feeling of getting married again. Or may be it's their first marraige.
In court they got married by exchanging garlands and signing the papers and got back home in some hours. When Ishita was stepping in Bhalla house. Madhvi stopped her.
Amma-wait ishu marraige is in Punjabi style so....according to that you have to stay in this iyer house not in your to be in laws house.
Toshiji-this is also good-good....
Ishita blushed downcasting her eyes and nodded in yes.
Raman thrown fake angry glare but he too wanted to enjoy this he also agreed happily. At last Ishita was took in iyer house for pre wedding preparation.....and raman in Bhalla house.....
So done with this part and here I'm opening of open offer to my all readers.... As you can guess it's the starting to ishra grand wedding... So everyone wil comment how many and what what functions you all want to see and what ishra moments in which function... I will include each one of your opinions... So go on people comment and you can also msg me in private...
(and yes one More important thing... If you like my signature style which i use to write at the end of my stories love shaani with dots..... Then ask me.... Tell me you like it and you want to use it..... This is seriously not the way that you copy my signature style and make yours...... I'm really upset with some people I'm not taking anyone's name.... It's just a notice...... Please don't copy my concept or any writer's concept and make yours....... If you will continue doing this..... I will be left with only one option...... Deleting my stories and stop writing.... Sorry if i sound rude but it really hurts me yaar.... Please i request don't do it
Otherwise i will stop writing and delete all stories......
***********LOVE SHAANI***********

Ps-ignore typos today i was really upset so couldn't edit properly....

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