Episode 4: The Super Squad part 1

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Jeez guys. How's the story so far I really hope its nice


There are still sittings of gubas and humanity is on the run. The gubas continue to expand.

The scene shifts to a research centre 2m away from the city.

Vic Van Vuzu: I think we should destroy the Earth once and for all and end all this talk about gubas.
Doc: are you craazzy we can't do that.
Vic: well of course I will have a back up plan. I'm working on civilisation on Mars and its really doing well. With a little more resources humanity will finally be able to live there just like on Earth.
Doc: no we aren't destroying earth besides the fertility of Mars soul is zero.
Vic: well we'll take soil from earth duh. Let's face it earths done for and so will be humanity unless we relocate now.
Doc: we can't.... We just can't do it.
Vic: well I'll seek the presidents advise on the matter.
Doc: we have to stay and fight.
Vic: ohhhhh! My! Good! Please cut that crap. We've been trying it just ain't working. This is the only way... It is...
Doc: no! I believe that there are people out there who are willing to fight for humanity.
Vic: have you ever heard of false hope?
Doc: yes I have.
Vic: that's what your hopes called.

He exits the room.

The scene moves to a clandestine underground room where 4 teenagers are talking.

Bradey: common guys we just can't keep living like we are its just frustrating there's no place to play or to ride or do anything. Everywhere's just stuffy and I'm tired of the foul smell out there and the fact that we need to buy facemasks to survive.
Charles: so what do you suggest that we do?
Bradey: we fight I mean seriously all of us are experts in one martial arts field.
Jax and Gia : I'm not.
Bradey : Jax you attended military school right?
Jax : yeah.
Bradey : and you Gia you're like super flexible and stuff and into gymnastics.
Gia : yeah.
Bradey: good we can all use our talents for good.
Gia : look the proposition doesn't make sense. Were just 4 teenagers what can we do.
Bradey : were not just 4 teenagers were an elite team.
Jax : okay. So even if we agree.... Who's going to create all the stuff we need.
Charles: you mean whose going to fund us.
Jax : yeah whatever.
Bradey: I know a guy who knows a guy that is willing to help us. He's been working on our suits and gadgets and weapons and stuff. He's just waiting for a confirmation call and boom were in business baby.
Jax : I'm in.
Charles: your in?
Jax: yeah I'm sick of these gubas. Everyday I'm sick of hearing nothing but guba on the news it makes me sick every single day guba guba guba guba!
Charles: I'm sick of it too. I'm in.
Jax : what about you Gia.
Gia: I can't guys. I just..... Can't you see I'm an only child and I can't afford to die. I'm all my parents have left. Gia out peace!

She exits the room.

Bradey: huh! Well I guess were just 3 now.
Charles: soooooooo! What about the guy you're supposed to call.
Bradey: ooh! Yeah! I'll call him right away.

He picks up his phone and calls Elim.

Bradey: hey hello Elim its me Bradey.
Elim: oooh! Hey! So have you guys made up your mind.
Bradey: yeah three of us have made up our minds.
Elim: 3? I thought you guys were 4.
Bradey: we were but 1 pulled out.
Elim: k so I'll give you his number now.

Elim knocks off the call and immediately Bradey receives a text.

Bradey: I've got it. Are you ready gentlemen? Cause once I make this call there is no going back.

Jax and Charles(at the same time) were ready!
Bradey: OK I'm making the call.....

He calls him.

Doc: hello who's this?
Bradey: um...its me Bradey. Your friend Elim said I should call...
Doc: k you're the guys right?
Bradey: ummmmm.....
Doc: the guys that want to fight against the gubas?
Bradey: yeah we are.
Doc: I'll call you back and tell you where to meet me.

Doc knocks off the phone. He calls later(about 30 min) and gives them the coordinates. The scene moves to an underground tunnel as Bradey, Jax and Charles enter. They come in front of a computer screen that scans them verifies that they have no weapon(s) on them and checks the database confirming that they have an appointment. They pass the security check. Enter a couple of doors. The last door opens and they see a man standing in front of them smiling.

Doc: hi I'm Doc Charley. I've been expecting you guys.
Bradey: um....sorry....
Doc: its ok. Welcome to my humble abode.
Charles(in his mind) what the.....this place is huge men.
Doc: you(he points at Charles who seems not to be paying attention) hey you!

Bradey hits him.

Charles: hu! What the hell! Man.
Bradey: his calling you dummy.
Charles: yeah what.
Doc: nothing.....just noticed your mind wasn't here. You've got kids?
Charles: uuuuuum.....that's a weird question. But no why you asking.
Doc: then if you don't have kids your mind should be present.
Okay before I continue I just want to say thank you so much guys for laying down your lives to save humanity. God bless you and you and you. Now before we continue well have to do a couple of physical tests to ensure that your fit enough for this job. Aaaaand well run some other tests to ensure you don't have any illness that might affect you on the battle field. Okay.....you guys are supposed to be 4 where's the other one.
Jax: uuumm....she.....ummmm.....
Bradey : she quit.
Doc: ooooh! A she okay. Oooooooookay let's get to the testing part.

The scene shifts to Vic Van Vuzus house.

Vic: I'll make a public display of my idea to get rid of this trash hole called earth. And everyone will listen to me surely they will and humanity can finally be stable once and for all. And if they do not agree hmmm.... Well I'll take the ones that agree with me and I zoom off. Too bad for the ones that don't agree. Wooohhahaha.

The scene returns to Docs house.

Doc: .............okay guys so far you're......

They all crash.

Doc: ooh! That's bad like seriously bad.
Bradey: enough of these tests when are we actually going to get some action.
Jax: yeah! When are we?
Doc: guys guys these kind of things take time. Although you guys have done great so far. I'll give you the test results tomorrow.
Charles: tomorrow? That's good I thought it'll take like a week.
Doc: no of course not its all on my computer. Just come around 3pm tomorrow and I'll announce your results. So each one of you can know your performance and know if you made the team. And this time don't be late please!
Charles: we won't!

They exit the room.

Jax: I know I made it.
Bradey: me too.
Charles: me three.
Jax: ha! You! Stop kidding.
Charles: what's that supposed to mean?
Jax: nothing.....just that you messed up on that last test sooooo....
Charles: so what its not as if you did better.
Jax: yeah I did.
Charles: well I oughta.
Bradey: knock it off both of you. We all made it seesh.


Hey guys this is my longest episode since I've started. Hope it was cool. Keep voting and commenting. Thanks :) I know I was supposed to update on the 21st but I just feel like updating today. Lv you guys.

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