Episode 1: The beginning......

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New York 2038.
There are sounds of people screaming, dust is in the air as buildings fall as if they've been knocked down like building blocks.

Reporter: Its amazing. World War 3 has finally occurred. 23 countries are currently....

A building crashes by him before he could continue his statement.

Cameraman: I think we should....
Reporter: Move! right?
Cameraman: Yeah.
Reporter: Okay(he pauses). The war everybody thought was coming is finally here. 23 countries are at it. Many people are calling it the apocalypse. China, US, Germany, Russia, France, Ghana..... And more are currently at war.

The scene shifts to Africa(Ghana) as a reporter is 100m away from the gun battle ahead.

Rhamad: It is terrible. 500 million people and counting have been killed all over the world. 'The Apocalypse has come' says George Millan. 'We should all pray for our souls and make final amendments'.

The scene shifts to a US base.

IT personnel: Sir! sir ! sir ! sir!
Commander: What!!!
IT personnel(panting heavily) I have bad news. ( He opens his phone and calls Doc Charley). He picks up the phone and begins to hologram chat.
Commander: Brief me Charles.
Doc: Well you better brace yourself for this.
Commander: For what....
Doc: You know that new energy source discovered 7 years ago?
Commander: Brummit?
Doc: Yeah. Well many countries are using it now for weapons. Just hope two brummit failed missiles don't collide or else the world is over.

The commander sits and takes a deep breath.
Commander: I thought using brummit was banned by TWSO.
Doc: Yeah buuuttttt....... I guess many countries have been secretly using it.
IT personnel: So so so so what so we do?
Commander: Whatchya doing here?
IT personnel: Noth.....
Commander: GET OUT!!!

The IT personnel immediately leaves the room.

Commander(Takes a deep breath). So what are we going to do now?
Doc: Inform the world cause if 2 brummit filled missiles collide...... It could bring an end to the world.
Commander: We can't inform the world there's already too much panic.
Doc: Well its your call commander. Doc out.
Commander: what the hell.

He carries a chair and smashes it to pieces.

The scene returns to Africa.

Reporter: So far 1.5 billion have been....
Cameraman: Oh My God what's that.
Reporter: What the..... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

2 years later.

The war is over. Only about a 100 million people are left upon the face of the earth. The Earth is nothing but rubble, crater filled and full of flames that cannot be extinguished neither do they spread they just burn on a spot. 92% of the Earth is barren and water is scarce. The air is full of smoke that sometimes chokes you to death on the spot. There is no longer civilization. Humanity is forced to depend upon the night light. Since the population is few the people decided to come together as one and form UPTE(United People of the Earth). They all speak one language(English). They live in Khastiki previously Siberia. The remaining survivors come from 19 different countries the rest of the countries have no survivor to their name. They elect a president who will look after the country and revive humanity again by using the limited resources around.

The scene shifts to a crater filled area beside a leveled skyscraper. Holopads are created to enable humans move because of the large craters around. There are barrels of spilled oil and the usual endless flames burning next by. The smell is foul.

McCoy: Thank you all for....

Before he finished his statement a little girl comes up and gives him a flower.

McCoy: Awwww thanks little girl. Is that your mommy(pointing at a red head woman.
Girl: No(she sobs) I don't got no body no more(she sobs profusely) everybody dead I leave under a pile of rocks over there.
McCoy: um.... Ehhhhh...... Wowzies.......woah..... Um please can somebody please get this girl of this place.

Somebody comes quickly and takes the girl of the stage.

McCoy: As I was saying....

He quickly goes down memory lane.

Mrs McCoy: Go honey please leave don't get caught(she coughs and blood comes out. Her hand is cut off and she is bleeding badly)
McCoy: No I'm not leaving you.

His daughter Stephanie rushes in

Stephani: Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Please don't die please I beg you(she holds her and sobs).

As she sobs a stray lazer bullet hits her head and her head explodes.

McCoy: no please noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

His wife with her dying breath.

Mrs McCoy: go honey please don't die too.

He runs away and looks back as she  screams and finally dies.

The president recovers himself and the crowd stares at him.

McCoy: I'm sorry I just.....

He steps down and exits the stage quickly. As he runs someone rushes after him shouting his name.

Jack: Mr president! Mr president! Slow down God damn it!
McCoy: I'm sorry I just can't...... I just can't.....
Jack: you just can't do what exactly.
McCoy: I just couldn't continue
Jack: what's the problem sir?
McCoy: 2 years ago I lost my whole family. Wife and my gorgeous daughter. Everything. I lost absolutely everything. I don't know if I can....
Jack: no Mr president don't say it of course you can I mean even little children believe in you. You just....
McCoy: hold the phone that girl that gave me that flower do you know where she is?
Jack: uuuuuuuuuuumm...... No I don't think so. Why you asking?
McCoy: I want to adopt her. She has no one and so do I. I can adopt her and give her a life.
Jack: ooooooooooooooook.

5 years later

The scene shifts to a hall as the president is giving a speech. It is a large levitating hall that can sit about 70 million people. Before he finishes his speech someone comes up the stage and whispers something in his ear. So far Mr McCoy has greatly stabilized humanity. There is electricity houses schools hospitals restaurants..... Humanity is becoming alive again. Plants have been grown around the area so the air has become safer. The world is recovering and everybody is happy. But no one suspects what is about to happen next.


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