Episde 3: The final straw.....

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McCoy: nooooooooooo!!!!
Marvel: oh! My!...Ahhhhhhh!!!!
McCoy: nooooooooooo!!!!
Marvel: Ahhhhhh! Like seriously daddy you like spilled its juice all over me like ewe.

McCoy rushes to her point.

McCoy: are you.....
Marvel: yeah all I need is a hot shower. Uh this is like tots gross.
SS personnel: yeah she's okay alright.
McCoy: I guess everybody should start moving toni.....

Somebody rushes in.

Man: Mr president there are more of these things outside. They're attacking.
McCoy: so what are you waiting for? Take action at once.
Man: OK. Let's go men.

About a hundred gubas are outside they are destroying cars buildings and so far have killed 456 people. The SS team goes out to try and stop them. But it ends really badly. Everybody is killed around the vicinity. People start moving without packing their clothes and necessities school is shut down. The gubas enter hospitals and begin to kill all the staff and the patients. A woman is riding a patient on a wheel chair she turns back when she hears noises. She sites the guba and hastens her speed. The guba jumps two times and lands in front of her. It carries the patient and throws him out of the window. He crabs the woman by her chest and bursts her boobs. He then throws her down from the 3000 foot tall building.

The scene shifts to a US research centre. The president is called.

Doc: Mr presi...
McCoy: what's the matter.
Doc: okay if that's how you want it I'll go straight to the matter.
Doc: here are some humans bitten by those gubas.
McCoy: my God there must be at least 200 here.
Doc: this is 22 hours after exposure.
McCoy: they're turning into those things.
Doc: yep!
McCoy: are you sure..... Are you sure its safe to keep them here.
Doc: well we needed to study them.
McCoy: so....
Doc: ooookay so when the gubas bit these humans they introduced toxins into their system. This toxins toxifies cells and gradually begins to transform them into gubas. It takes at least a day for the transformation process to be complete. I also have have infected animals if you want to see.
McCoy: no I've seen enough. Get rid of these things immediately.

As he turns to go the gubas begin to become agitated. They begin to scream.
Guba: kisiku la tamin ruaahhh.

The guba bangs the forcefield. It is not able to destroy it alone it turns to its brothers.

Guba: klanopi sum nipaaa

The other gubas immediately begin to help him. They all start banging the forcefield. The forcefield gives in. They jump out the president makes a run for it.

McCoy: I told you to eliminate them but you didn't listen.
Doc: my bad sorry.
McCoy: if we make it out of here just know that you and I should never see lest I'll get you killed.

They both hide behind a wall. The security alarm sounds and troops come sweeping in. The gubas fight back. They break the wall and go to set their other brothers free in the animal research centre.

Soldier 1: where they going.
Soldier 2: don't know let's follow them.

They begin to fire missiles at them. Two gubas are killed and the rest of them get angry. One guba jumps on the zelecopter. Opens the protective glass and pours his acis spit on the first soldier. He grabs the other soldier holds him so tight the soldier looks like a squeezed sponge he then wrings him like a clothing and jumps off the plane. The gubas free their animal brothers and they break loose into the city destroying everything in their way. They break into the mall and begin to destroy everything. Two gubas grab a man as he screams the reap him apart and begin to eat him. The bite at least 237 persons in 2 minutes. One guba makes a loud cry. From afar it sounds as if thunder has struck the earth as thousands of gubas begin to troop down. They block the entrance there is panic the president is called.

Mall manager: hello please can I speak to the....

A guba crabs him and bites him 4 times on his neck and his neck falls off. The guba then picks the phone and speaks.

Cuba: klaki musani taaahhhh!

It smashes the phone and runs off. The president is alerted and sends 300 men against them. There are no survivors left out of the 300 men. The gubas continue to attack. Every family begins to relocate to the ends of the earth. The gubas continued to attack and expand.

10 years later

Its January 1 2055. A new year. Usually this would bring celebration and merrymaking but who could do that at this time. Everyone is just happy to be alive. The gubas have been attacking for the past 10 years. Each time the president reacts by sending troops it only brought more aggression from the gubas and death. Humanity is in a worse estate now. The worst there has ever been. Its worse than the state the war left it. The gubas increase rapidly and are millions in number about 300 million to be exact. Humanity is leaving in an area that is one quarter of Iceland. The place is stuffy and chocked there is no space for anything. There are very few house(13) the rest of the humans live in caves and under rock shades. There is a lot of foul smell in the air. Abundance of the usual flames and the air is so toxic. All humans are given face masks. These face masks have expiratory dates and only the rich or average class can afford to buy the masks frequently. 3.8 million people have been killed because of the bad air. Over 17 million have been killed by the gubas. The remaining population is about 13 million. Humanity is miserable. People mock the president calling him coward. They said he's a hypocrite because in his re election speech he said he would solve the guba problem but he's done nothing.

The scene opens in the presidents house in his room. He turns on the TV and puts a news channel.

Reporter: the president is a coward thank goodness this is his last tenure.....

He changes the channel.

News reader: many say the president is a hypocrite and they can't wait for him to hand over power in February.

He changes the channel to MYC news. They are having a group talk he turns up the volume and decides to listen.

Host: ........all these people have died because of that bastard called McCoy.
Daniel: he's not brave enough. Let him leave.
Joe: common guys dont say that he's not all bad I mean at a time he helped to stabilize humanity.
Host: that was about 13 years ago.
Daniel: exactly were talking about the present. A real warrior never gives up but he has. He's just a pile of shit.

McCoy knocks of the TV and sighs.


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