20. More Acting

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The group of photographers and interviewers all turned to stare at us. The cameras flashed violently in my face as I stood up and waved.

The six finalists all watched. One was smiling, another smirking, while the others looked at Yuri. He had a raised eyebrow, but his face told me that he was glad to be out of the limelight.

"What were you doing in there?"

Yakov appeared next to me. He didn't seem angry, in fact, he looked quite excited. He was probably hoping to get me up there with Yuri.

"Umm.." I turned to look at the crowd of cameras looking at me, writing down everything that I was saying. "Well, we thought we'd come and hear the conference on our way to the hotel," I started. "And support Yuri, of course," I added, louder, earning a lot of grins.

Yakov nodded, then grabbed my arm. "Come here then."

We followed him to the front row in front of the six finalists, where their coaches were sitting. Irina stood close to me, unsure of what to do in front of all the cameras.

The interviewers turned back to the six, who were still watching me.

Yuri smiled at me, and I waved at him.

The interviewers continued.

"Mr. Leroy, how is your wife? Anything to share with us about the baby?" An interviewer asked.

The young man in the canadian sports jacket grinned. He had some sort of presence to him which was likable and fun.

"Ah, well, yes, my lovely wife is doing fine. She's at her most radiant, I must say. Sadly though, the doctors have told us that she cannot travel. She needs to stay at home in case the baby arrives. I'll be going back home tomorrow to be with her, and I'll come back for the final."

Judging by his facial expression, I could tell that Yuri didn't think much of JJ.

"Wonderful!" The interviewer beamed. "And what about you, Yuri?"

Oh no.

She added; "What are your plans?"

With one tiny look towards Yakov, Yuri cleared his throat, then smiled at me. I couldn't help but smirk, but then smiled as the cameras looked at me.

"I don't know," he started. "Things are nice. We've only been together a while. We wouldn't want to rush into anything. But she's great. Helps me keep a level head. So supportive," he looked into my eyes, and his expression seemed genuine as he smiled again at me. "And I know she'll be supporting me all the way."

A few "awww"s from the audience and everyone was looking at me again. I stared at the floor.

We must have come in at the ending, because there was only a few more questions for the skaters after that.

Everybody clapped and stood up for them.

Yakov put his hand on my back, then said; "Go up to him."

I took a deep breath, got rid of the scowl from my face, and ran over to him.

I threw my arms around him, and he hugged me back instantly. I heard the cameras go off in every direction.

I let go, then Yuri leaned forwards and kissed me. There wasn't much that I could do except for kiss back, for only a few seconds, before we both  pulled apart.

The cameras slowly started to turn away from us and to the other skaters.

I turned to him. "Hello."

"Hi," he started.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm great."

"Aww! Aren't you two cute!" Somebody said behind me. I turned around to see one of the six skaters - JJ.

Yuri's smirk was bigger than the ice rink.

He took out his hand from his pocket, and I shook it.

"Well Yuri. What a beautiful girl you've won."

I smiled at him. "Nice to meet you."

I felt Yuri's hand slip into mine.

He took a look behind him at his two coaches, his parents, who were eager to leave, and nodded at me kindly.

"Well, I gotta go. I'll see you two lovebirds soon," and he left.

Yuri pulled me from the rink, and towards Yakov.

"Yuri!" Somebody called. I turned around, and saw a young man about the same age as JJ walk towards us.

"Oh, hey Otabek. This is [F/N]."

"Great to meet you," he smiled. We shook hands.

"Otabek is a friend of mine," Yuri started. "We've shared the Grand Prix final three times now."

He nodded. "You've done considerably better than my though."

I smiled. Otabek looked at the two of us, with a small raise in his eyebrow.

"Otabek? We have to go," his coach said, coming over to us. He sighed, then smiled at me and at Yuri once more, before leaving.

Soon, we were the only ones there, with Yakov and Irina.

Yuri sighed, and yawned. "God. What a day," he walked over to Yakov. Irina grinned at me, then her phone went off.

"Hi? Yeah, mama, I'm with my friend [F/N]. Oh, right. Okay." She stood up. "I have to go home. My mum has to run back to work and I have to look after my brothers."

"Oh. Okay." She gave me a quick hug, then left. Yakov stood up, and walked towards us.

"Alright kids. Well done today. I think the interviews got more than they bargained for when [F/N] arrived."


I shrugged. "Yeah, great. Umm, look, I have a long day tomorrow, I need to go back."

Yuri nodded. "Okay. C'mon Yakov. Let's go."

I started walking away, when Yakov stopped me.

"No! Wait! Yuri, you go on. I want to talk to Miss [L/N] about her manager."

"You mean Will?"

"Yes. Come with me."

I turned to Yuri, who was as lost as I was. He shrugged, then waved at me, leaving the building.

I was left standing in front of Yakov.

"That's not what I want to talk about, " he said. "I wanted to thank you."

"For what?" I asked.

"I've never seen Yuri smile like he has been recently. Not for a long time anyway. You're good for him."

I blinked. "Umm..."

"Now, I know you're an actress and everything. You're a great one, and pretending to be in love with him probably comes easy to you, but, well... he's..."

"Yeah?" I asked quietly.

He shrugged. Something was on his mind, but whatever it was, he just shook it off.

"Can I trust you to do something?"


"Just be there for him. He's very lonely, and I worry about him. Make sure he can trust you. You two are both doing great for the cameras, but I think he needs you to be supportive."

"I will."

He sighed, then smiled at me.

We left the building, and I felt a sense of relief, knowing that I wasn't the only one who worried about him.

I fear though, that I am the only one who's slowly falling in love with him.

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