f i v e

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day two of being grounded.

i sat indian style on my bed finishing up my daily school work.

i started to think about last night.

we are infinite.

i feel the need to scream that phrase at the top of my lungs. its true.

we can do what other teenagers cant. we can stand up for teenagers that cannot defend themselves.

if thats not infinite, i don't know what is.

i opened up my curtains looking outside. i noticed a new family is moving in next door.

i noticed a boy. he looked caucasian with dark hair.

he was gorgeous.

i continued to stare until he looked up at my direction then I quickly closed my curtains.

i let our a sigh. i snuck a glimpse of him moving boxes around.

i need to know his name. fast.

i put on my jeans and a sweater and poked my head outside. i had to be careful of jaden, he can tell.

no sign of jaden. i sat on my steps as the couple noticed me and started to talk to one another.

they kept looking back at me and put on a fake smile.

they finally walked over to me with a smile on their faces. a real one at least.

"hi, i'm Lisa and this is my husband Tony..you are?"

"i'm Willow..Smith." I said.

"like...Will and Jada-"

"yes sir." I said nodding. They looked at me and put on a smile this time.

"Well this is our son-" Lisa stopped in the middle of her sentence and groaned.

"Tony, can you go and get Andy? Please ?" Lisa asked

Tony walked off. Lisa gave me an uneasy smile before sitting next to me.

i noticed Lisa looked quite young, so did Tony. i didn't ask since i thought i was too in their business.

Tony soon came back with Andy. He looked at our house and nodded.

"Andy, this is Willow Smith..." Andy's eyes fell upon me and smiled.

his smile was gorgeous. he was even more gorgeous up close and personal.

i returned the smile.

"well since we met, have a nice day willow, okay?" Tony said.

"of course, and you too!" they started to walk away.

Andy gave me another smile before getting back to his parents.

my heart fluttered..



i was at my window watching the sun set. it was so beautiful.

i was chilling the entire day. i can't really do much as jaden when we're grounded, but he is a boy and he has "needs"

i do get to keep my phone, but that isn't entertaining enough.

speaking of that...i should pay april a call.

i snatched my phone off my dresser and dialed her number.

"hello?" i heard her voice say quietly.

"april? where are you?" i asked.

"willow i'm with my aunt."

"wait..thats a bad thing?"

"its not-its just complicated."

"april, if you're having an issue i can help."

"willow, trust you cannot help me. "

"but april-"

"i gotta go."

and the phone went dead.

i was worried about april.. how much trouble she can get into with her aunt?

i sighed sitting at the edge of my window. i glanced outside and saw Andy looking.

i looked again and he was smiling. i waved at him and he winked.

can that just happen one more time?



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