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"Eileen, your turn in one minute!"

I may know my song all by heart, I'm always stressed. But it's a good thing for me to be on stage in front of the whole school. And the people here have nothing to do with the people in my school back in France. I decided to do my last year in the United States to get away from this society which doesn't want me. Here, I integrated easily and people don't have the same look at all on my clothes or the way I live my life. The only person who accepted that in France was Alice, who came with me to get a double diploma. We quickly became inseparable. She's right now in the first row in front of the stage, to encourage me and help me give the best of myself. The school organizes every year a concert for Halloween, with all the students of the music option, and the devotees. I'm part of both. I decided to sing Pretty Little Psycho by Procelain Black dressed as Harley Quinn, Alice being my Mister J. I think this song suits the character. And myself. I admit to be a little crazy inside my head. But in the good sense.

Just out of the stage, Alice is already here jumping in my arms screaming that they loved it, that I have to keep staying myself without being scared, etc. Yes, because I'm afraid of everything. My traumatic years of middle school and high school being the origin of all this mess inside my head, but also bad events and bad people. Alice knows some parts of my past, but only from my depression. She doesn't know yet what happened before that. But she knows enough about me to protect me from people who could hurt me, and to reason me.

« Tu devrais auditionner pour ce film tu sais ! » *You should audition for that film you know !

There are posters everywhere in the school. According to what some girls of my class told me, it's not the first time a film is being shot in this school. It's really big and has a lot of different courses, it also has a lot of equipment. I study sciences, like mathematics and physics but also electronics and computer sciences. But you can find everything. This is the perfect place for movies which include students. This time they're looking for extras to play students obviously, but musicians and singers too.

« Les inscriptions se terminent la semaine prochaine, il faut que tu te décides maintenant. C'est la chance de ta vie ! » *Registration ends next week, you have to decide now. It's the chance of your life !

« Et qui te dis que je veux faire du cinéma ? » *Who tells you I want to be in the movie industry ?

« Du cinéma je sais pas, mais de la musique je suis sûre ! Tu vas pas me faire croire à moi que tu veux vraiment passer ta vie à programmer des logiciels et souder des composants au microscope sur des circuits imprimés ! » *Movie I don't know, but music I'm sure about it ! You're not going to make ME believe that you really want to send your life programming softwares and welding components with a microscope !

« À la loupe binoculaire s'il-te-plaît ! Et j'adore souder moi ! » *Binocular magnifier please ! And I love to weld !

« Oui mais quand même... » *Yes but...

« Bon... je m'inscris si tu me suis. » *Ok... I register if you follow me.

« Deal ! »

And why not? ~Devon BostickWhere stories live. Discover now