⊲|Chapter:32' I LOVE YOU.'|⊳

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*listen to the song above!*


Dear Josh, (crossed out)
Dear Rebecca,

I love you. Tell Josh that I love him and I always will. Thanks for bearing me for all those years I've been an unwanted burden. An extra luggage that it's owners had left in between the road because they were tired of it. That no body wants.

But now it will all be okay for you. Because I'll be gone. I'll be gone forever. I want you to tell Josh that he once had a sister who loved him more than anyone.

I want you to inform my parents that I no longer am here to trouble them. Now they won't need to stay away from this unlucky shit. That they're free to visit their own home. That they don't have to find reasons to stay away from home. They don't have to be worried about my unluckiness passing to Josh.

Call Lia and Carter to my funeral. That will help calming my soul.

I'll miss your cooking Rebecca. I'll really miss you.


With love,
Sophia Ann Anderson.

✍︎ ✍︎ ✍︎

As soon as I finished writing, I could feel things stirring inside me and all I wanted to do was lay down on my bed and sleep peacefully but I forgot that peace hates my guts. I had to get up when my house's phone rang.

At first I let it ring, hoping that Rebecca would pick it up but then I remembered the absence of Rebecca since I came home. Forcing my limbs to move, I stood up from floor just to fall down again. My vision wasn't clear and the constant ringing of the telephone wasn't helping either.

With the support of my bed I stood up and walked towards my door. I was careful not to pass over the broken glasses that were the victim of my aggression and stress release. As I made my way down, the ringing stopped. That only made me happy, because I was in no position to talk to anyone and neither was I able to.

But just as I started to stumble back upstairs, I heard the phone ringing again. It was weird because I didn't know who might have been calling here. "Hello," my groggy, unsure voice sounded. "Thank god you picked up." To say I was shocked to listen Carter on the other side was an understatement.

All his voice did was make my limbs weaker. Tears started to fill inside my eyes again and I took support of the table to keep myself standing. "We need to talk properly." I wanted to agree with him but I couldn't. I knew there was no point when all it'd do is hurt me more.

There was no piece of my heart left uncrushed. And I didn't want more torture to that particular muscle of my body. "Are you even listening? Sophia, are you okay?"


An unwanted sob left my mouth. "Sparkle, we really need to talk. I can't settle with you being away from me." Carter's voice had an inch of bossiness in it. But mostly, it was pleading. "Can we meet somewhere?" He asked but didn't managed to get a reply from me.

'Just go away Sophia!' His words from earlier rang in my ears.

"Answer me Sophie! Just answer me. Say something."

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