⊲|Chapter: 41'SHIT IS GOING DOWN!'|⊳

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|🌀|CHAPTER: 41|🌀|

Have you ever said something and regretted it later? And whatever you had said had hurt someone you really cared about. You feel guilty, wondering, how the scenarios would be if you hadn't said it to them in the first place? Thinking of how you could ease the pain for them? How you could pay them back? And most of all, thinking of anyway you could take those words back? Well that was what I was feeling.

I had never expected to see Carter leaning against Alex's locker, engaged an extremely heated conversation with Alex. Moving closer to them, I realized it was not actually what you call a 'talk'. I stood there and stared at them as I saw Carter raising his index finger at Alex in a threatening manner.

Could it be that Carter was bullying Alex? I knew I couldn't let that happen so I walked towards them. "Hey, Sparkle!" I saw him waving at me and I smiled lightly as I waved back.

When I reached there I smiled at Alex too. "Hey!"

"Hi Sophia. Y-you know, I-I gotta go. The new English teacher called me a while ago," he went away, without conversing properly with me. I turned towards Carter and glared at him.

"It doesn't have to do anything with you, right?" I squinted my eyes at him.

"Right. We were just talking."

"It looked more like you were threatening him." Telling him, I walked towards my locker. He followed behind with his hands shoved in his jeans pocket.

"It was a guys' thing. You won't understand," Carter said stopping by my locker.

"Oh, really?"

"Really," nodding, he answered with a close-mouthed smile and took my hand in his. I returned the smile, opening my mouth to clear, "I just hope you were not bullying him." Suddenly, his smile changed into a hurtful expression. He did not try to hide it, instead it felt like he wanted me to witness it.

"God, no! That's what you were thinking? No, no. I wasn't bullying him. Are you ever gonna forget how I used to be in the past?" It was clear that he was angry. His fists were clenched and his cheeks were red.

"Uh... no? I-It's not like that. I mean you looked like you were angry at him. I just asked to make sure. I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way." I explained, looking intently at his face. The hurtful expression did not go. He just turned his head towards the other side and stared at the floor.

Holding his face between both of my hands, I inspected his face. "Hey, hey, look at me. Look at me, Carter. I know you've changed. You've been nothing but sweet to me. I love you. Don't be like that, okay?" I hugged him, tightly, wrapping my arms around his neck. He hugged me back with the same intensity.

"I just feel guilty for being the way I was," he muffled in my hair. "I'm embarrassed of my past. It's not something I want to remember. Neither do I want you to remember. I want you to forget that side of me ever existed." I rubbed his back, thinking, I'd have never said those words. Thinking, if it was possible to take my words back.

"Carter, I'm sorry. I really am. I didn't know how this will affect you. And I know you've changed. You're a good person, I know," I tried to comfort him, stroking his head. "Carter, people are staring..." I whispered when I realized all of the student gathered around us were staring. At that moment I couldn't be more thankful of the fact that we were slow enough for nobody to hear.

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